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Mahmoud Rusty Abdelkader mahmoudimus

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mahmoudimus / log_mutations.js
Created December 10, 2024 22:07
Log all mutations to a particular node
// Select the node that will be observed for mutations
// Options for the observer (which mutations to observe)
const config = {attributes: true, childList: true, subtree: true};
const htmlify = xs => xs && [...xs].map(x => x.innerHTML)
let counter = 0
// Callback function to execute when mutations are observed
const callback = function (mutationsList, observer) {
mahmoudimus / stop-cheatengine-laugh.bat
Last active August 9, 2024 19:31
Cheat Engine's Creepy Laughter on Windows Mahmoud Abdelkader (aka mahmoudimus)
@echo off
REM Place this file into the cheat engine directory and run it.
REM If you've downloaded Cheat Engine and installed it from a non-standard installer,
REM you might periodically hear a creepy man's laugh lasting three seconds or so. It
REM seems like it might be a virus, malware or something untoward but it is not. It
REM turns out, for non-Patreon users, cheat engine software has a two-stage installer.
REM The first stage is basically adware. The second stage downloads the actual
REM installer, which can malfunction if not launched by the ad-filled installer.
mahmoudimus /
Last active August 2, 2024 18:05
Exploiting IDA Pro's Qt 5.5 Keybindings For Emacs-like Mnemonic Keybindings
Further updates located at
Mahmoud Abdelkader
import re
import sys
from PyQt5 import QtWidgets
1 - Download lua source in
2 - Unpack (use 7-zip)
3 - Create an C:\src\lua
4 - In C:\src\lua create dirs: include, lib, bin and doc
5 - Copy 'doc' from lua.tar.gz to C:\src\lua\doc
6 - Copy all files from lua.tar.gz src, to C:\src\lua\include
Creating a .lib and .dll
1 - Create a new blank project in Visual Studio
mahmoudimus / ODbgScript.txt
Created July 13, 2024 05:43 — forked from trietptm/ODbgScript.txt
ODbgScript english plugin by E3
site :
1. About OllyScript and ODbgScript
2. Status
2.1 What's new?
3. Documentation
3.1 Language
mahmoudimus / endianness.h
Created July 12, 2024 04:59 — forked from jtbr/endianness.h
cross-platform / cross-compiler standalone endianness conversion
* @file endianness.h
* @brief Convert Endianness of shorts, longs, long longs, regardless of architecture/OS
* Defines (without pulling in platform-specific network include headers):
* bswap16, bswap32, bswap64, ntoh16, hton16, ntoh32 hton32, ntoh64, hton64
* Should support linux / macos / solaris / windows.
* Supports GCC (on any platform, including embedded), MSVC2015, and clang,
* and should support intel, solaris, and ibm compilers as well.
mahmoudimus /
Last active July 10, 2024 17:18
Emacs Key Leader Keys

Obviously the normal ones are: Ctrl-x, Ctrl-u

Alt can be a good leader prefix. Alt-x is emacs-extended-command. Alt-m is used by spacemacs.

Visual Studio has Ctrl-k, Ctrl-e, but IMO, they are not good. Those are very "hot" keys that are used all the time

Tmux has Ctrl-b, which is almost always rebound to Ctrl-a for memory compatibility with Screen's Ctrl-a. It's also not good IMO, but Tmux is used very often that it is reasonable to include Ctrl-a as a leader key.

One I've started playing with is Ctrl-Insert - it has almost no conflicts. There are also Ctrl-Numlock and Ctrl-Scrolllock

mahmoudimus / main.cpp
Created June 30, 2024 05:14 — forked from CaledoniaProject/main.cpp
system resources physical memory map VM detection trick
// system resources physical memory map VM detection trick
// written by Graham Sutherland (@gsuberland) for Nettitude
// based on prior work done as part of the al-khaser project
// ref:
// ref:
// compile:
mahmoudimus /
Created May 9, 2024 00:01 — forked from myran2/
Mythic Fyrak macro guide - MD

Mythic Fyrak Macro/WA Setup & Troubleshooting

The Macro - You probably already have this from Smolderon prog


/run WeakAuras.ScanEvents("LIQUID_PRIVATE_AURA_MACRO", true)


/run WeakAuras.ScanEvents("NS_PA_MACRO", true)

Bonus stuff

  • Some people like including a Squeaky Bat use in their macro, so that you can see in logs when people pressed the macro.
    • The bats cost like 5-10k on the AH and are NOT consumed on use, so everyone in your raid only needs one.
  • This way, any casts of Squeaky Bat (179295) in logs would indicate a macro press.