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Last active December 6, 2024 20:38
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Software Engineering and Management resources

Here is a list of resources that I have read either fully, or at least to an extent with which I am comfortable with endorsing them.

I've used these resources in different ways:

  • Direct application: Some bits and pieces of advice can be applied very directly.
  • Reflection: For organizational things, sometimes I would try to write down how I felt my work environment mirrored, and how it differed from the situation described in some work. Writing things down is a useful forcing function to think clearly.
  • 1:1 discussions with my manager: We'd take the first 15-20 minutes of the 1:1 for reading (my manager would read the post for the first time, I would re-read it), and we'd discuss some of the key points.
  • Wishlisting: I noted down some points as “if I were ever to start my own company and have some employees, I should seriously consider this.”

Within each section, the resources aren't organized in any particular order.

Primarily for Engineers

Primarily for managers

For engineers and managers

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