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Varun Gandhi typesanitizer

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typesanitizer /
Created July 26, 2022 16:18
Example of converting Alloy's XML output to GraphViz with clusters (containers/groups) and tables.
# Alloy forum post:
# I usually paste the GraphViz to The details are hard-coded
# to the specifics of the model, but shared in the hope that the overall
# structure of the parsing and printing is potentially useful.
# See example diagram at:
typesanitizer / sample.txt
Created May 8, 2022 16:20
sample output for Doxygen when 'Generating XML output for class llvm::LiveRegMatrix'
This file has been truncated, but you can view the full file.
Analysis of sampling doxygen (pid 13876) every 1 millisecond
Process: doxygen [13876]
Path: /Users/USER/*/doxygen
Load Address: 0x100000000
Identifier: doxygen
Version: 0
Code Type: ARM64
Platform: macOS
Parent Process: debugserver [13885]
typesanitizer /
Created January 21, 2022 03:35
Recovering determinism from non-determinism via sorting

Recently, I posted the following poll on Twitter:

Say iterating over a hash table gives non-deterministic results. So you iterate over it, store the key-value pairs in an array, and do a stable sort. Is the sorted result deterministic? (assume no bugs in the implementations of sorting, iteration and that ≤ is a total order)

A: Yes B: Not necessarily

I later clarified that the hash table gave you unique keys. And that the ≤ operation was applied to (key, value) pairs, with the natural interpretation that it would first compare the keys and then the values.

I'm also implicitly assuming that the equality check implied by ≤ is the same as the equality check used by the hash table, as a sensible default.

typesanitizer /
Last active December 6, 2024 20:38
Software Engineering and Management resources

Here is a list of resources that I have read either fully, or at least to an extent with which I am comfortable with endorsing them.

I've used these resources in different ways:

  • Direct application: Some bits and pieces of advice can be applied very directly.
  • Reflection: For organizational things, sometimes I would try to write down how I felt my work environment mirrored, and how it differed from the situation described in some work. Writing things down is a useful forcing function to think clearly.
  • 1:1 discussions with my manager: We'd take the first 15-20 minutes of
typesanitizer /
Last active July 5, 2022 03:07
Varun's Swift and Rust style notes

Varun's notes on Swift and Rust style

Note: This is for my personal projects so I can maintain a consistent style, not for other projects.

Rust code should follow the same guidelines of organization and naming, but the 'MARK:' prefix isn't recognized by editors other than Xcode, so it should be skipped.


Types and associated methods should be grouped in // MARK: blocks as follows:

typesanitizer / Assembly intro
Created October 24, 2020 22:22
Assembly intro comic - textual version

Assembly is wacky but cool!

Author: Varun Gandhi (@typesanitizer)

Panel 1

Compilers generate assembly in the penultimate stage of compilation.

The assembly is processed by an assembler, which generates machine code for subsequent processing by a linker.

(Note to the reader: Sections marked with < VG: ... > are notes inserted by me
(Varun), not from the original author. I'm just taking notes here to understand
better what exactly the person wants, and trying to analyse how the different
"requirements" are at odds with each other.)
The question was asked why I (as a programmer who prefers dynamic languages) don't consider static types "worth it". Here
is a short list of what I would need from a type system for it to be truely useful to me:
< VG: This is dangerous to some extent (if you use it everywhere). History
has shown that while people (e.g. ML/Haskell users) were initially interested
typesanitizer / plate.hs
Last active April 18, 2018 16:48
Testing monads with plated
-- run with
-- stack ghci --package lens --ghci-options="-XDeriveDataTypeable" plate.hs
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
import Data.Data
import Data.Data.Lens
import Control.Lens.Plated
data E