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Shiro Kawai shirok

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;; f(z) = z^3 + 2z^2 + 1
(define (f z) (+ (expt z 3) (* 2 (square z)) 1))
;; f'(z) = 3z^2 + 4z
(define (df z) (+ (* 3 (square z)) (* 4 z)))
;; ニュートン法。初期値zから出発。変化が充分少なくなったらその時のzがf(z)=0の解。
;; 微分が0に近くなった場合はエラーとする。
;; 循環してしまうケースは検出しない (止まらなくなる)
(define (newton z)
(define threes '#0=(#f #f #t . #0#))
(define fives '#1=(#f #f #f #f #t . #1#))
(define digits '#2=(#\0 #\1 #\2 #\3 #\4 #\5 #\6 #\7 #\8 #\9 . #2#))
(define one (list (cdr digits)))
(define (inc num)
(if (eqv? (caar num) #\9)
(if (null? (cdr num))
(cons digits one)
(cons digits (inc (cdr num))))
;; -*- coding:utf-8 -*-
(use gauche.sequence)
(use util.match)
(use util.combinations)
(use srfi-197) ;chain
(define (num-fingers hands)
(define (f hand) (case hand
[(グー) 0]
gosh> (define-method object-+ ((f <procedure>) (g <procedure>)) (lambda (x) (+ (f x) (g x))))
#<generic object-+ (1)>
gosh> (define (f x) (* x 2))
gosh> (define (g x) (* x 3))
gosh> ((+ f g) 4)
(defn- start-server []
(-> (duct/resource "my_project/config.edn")
(duct/prep-config [:duct.profile/test])
(ig/init [:duct.router/ataraxy :duct.migrator/ragtime])))
(def #^:dynamic the-system
"During the test, this var holds the initialized system map."
(use util.match)
(use data.sparse)
(define-macro (make-dumper . labels)
`(lambda (memory)
(list ,@(map (^l `(list ',l (~ memory ,l))) labels))))
(define (run program memory dumper)
(define (DJN pc)
(match-let1 (dest ptr) (~ program pc)
(define (filter pred xs)
(define (skip xs)
(cond [(null? xs) xs]
[(pred (car xs)) xs]
[else (skip (cdr xs))]))
(unfold null?
(^[xs] (car xs))
(^[xs] (skip (cdr xs)))
(skip xs)))
(define (filter pred xs)
(define (skip xs)
(cond [(null? xs) xs]
[(pred (car xs)) xs]
[else (skip (cdr xs))]))
(unfold (^[xs] (null? (skip xs)))
(^[xs] (car (skip xs)))
(^[xs] (cdr (skip xs)))
gosh> (define (double-y)
(let ((+y #f))
(set! +y (lambda (x) (+ x y)))
(let-syntax ((macro (er-macro-transformer
(lambda (form rename compare)
`(,(rename '+) ,(cadr form) ,(+y 0))))))
(display (macro y))
*** ERROR: [internal error] stray local variable: #(lvar +y #(5 #f) 2 1)
diff --git a/sanmai.scm b/sanmai.scm
index 5fcc936..773fbaf 100644
--- a/sanmai.scm
+++ b/sanmai.scm
@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@
(de FRAME-RATE 44100)
(de FADE-MS 3)
-(de FRAME/MS (/ FRAME-RATE 1000))
+(de FRAME/MS (/. FRAME-RATE 1000))