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Created June 18, 2023 12:49
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Check for fixed IP local server, and if not found, connect to default online photon settings.
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Photon.Pun;
using Photon.Realtime;
using UnityEngine;
public class LocalOrOnlinePhotonConnect : MonoBehaviour, IConnectionCallbacks
[SerializeField] ServerSettings photonOnlineSettings;
[SerializeField] Photon.Realtime.AppSettings photonOfflineSettings;
void Start()
IEnumerator ConnectCheckForLocalServer()
PhotonNetwork.AddCallbackTarget( this );
var ping = new Ping(photonOfflineSettings.Server);
float timeout = 1f;
while(!ping.isDone && timeout>0){
yield return null;
Debug.Log($"isDone {ping.isDone} time={ping.time}");
PhotonNetwork.ConnectUsingSettings(ping.isDone ? photonOfflineSettings : photonOnlineSettings.AppSettings);
public void OnConnected()
Debug.Log("Connect To Server");
public void OnConnectedToMaster()
Debug.Log("On Connected To Master");
public void OnCustomAuthenticationFailed(string debugMessage)
Debug.Log($"OnCustomAuthenticationFailed {debugMessage}");
public void OnCustomAuthenticationResponse(Dictionary<string, object> data)
public void OnDisconnected(DisconnectCause cause)
Debug.Log($"OnDisconnected {cause}");
public void OnRegionListReceived(RegionHandler regionHandler)
Debug.Log($"OnRegionListReceived {regionHandler.BestRegion}");
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