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Created April 19, 2017 05:11
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Cheatsheet for the fugitive.vim
# Basic commands
:Git [args] # does what you'd expect
all of your `~/.gitconfig` aliases are available.
:Git! [args] # same as before, dumping output to a tmp file
Moving inside a repo.
:Gcd [dir] # :cd relative to the repository
:Glcd [dir] # same as above, local to the current window
# Blame
- `A` resizes to end of author column
- `C` resizes to end of commit column
- `D` resizes to end of date/time column
- `<CR>` quits blame buffer, then opens commit
# Working with the index
:Gwrite # add
:Gread # checkout
:Gremove # rm
:Gmove # mv
in the `Gmove` context, `/` represents the root of the git repository.
:Gstatus # brace yourselves
<CR> |:Gedit|
<C-n> and <C-p> for moving around files
- |:Git| add # both work in Visual mode too
- |:Git| reset (staged files)
cc |:Gcommit|
D |:Gdiff|
ds |:Gsdiff|
dp |:Git!| diff (p for patch; use :Gw to apply)
dp |:Git| add --intent-to-add (untracked files)
dv |:Gvdiff|
o |:Gsplit|
p |:Git| add --patch
q close status
R reload status
# Diffs
diffget [bufspec] # `do` can be used instead (*d*iff *o*btain)
diffput [bufspec]
`[c` and `]c` for navigating changes.
diffget //1 | diffupdate # `|` is used to chain operations
# Solving merge conflicts with 2-way diffs
:Gdiff # on the file with the conflict
# Browsing the git object database
can be used to open a _read-only_ buffer with the contents of any git object
## Blobs
:Gedit branchname:path/to/file
:Gedit feature:%
## Trees, commits and tags can be browsed too
:Gedit SHA # will open a buffer with the git object referenced by `SHA`
# History
## Revisions of a file
:Glog [args] # opens a buffer with the revisions of the current file
`:cnext`, `:cprevious`, `:cfirst` and `:clast` can be used to move between revisions
:Glog -10 # opens only the last 10 revisions
## Commits
:Glog -- # load all commits into the quickfix list
:Glog -- % # load all commits that affected the current file into the quickfix list
# Searching
## Working copy files
:Ggrep 'whatever'
## Index
:Ggrep --cached 'whatever'
## Branches
:Ggrep whatever branch # search for `whatever` in `branch`
## Tags
:Ggrep whatever tagname # search for `whatever` in tag `tagname`
## Commit messages
:Glog --grep=whatever -- # search for `whatever` in all commit messages
:Glog --grep=w00t -- % # search for `w00t` in all commit messages that touched the current file
## Added or removed words
:Glog -Swhatever -- # search for `whatever` in the diff for each commit
:Glog -Swhatever -- % # search for `whatever` in the diff for each commit that touched the current file
# Status line
set statusline=%<%f\ %h%m%r%{fugitive#statusline()}%=%-14.(%l,%c%V%)\ %P
# Further information
:help fugitive
Vimcasts on fugitive.vim
# Related plugins
- vim-gitgutter
- vim-mercenary (`fugitive` port for mercurial)
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Hi, thanks for this gist. You can update the :Gdiff part, as D is going to be deprecated in favor of dd. (You will see this as a prompt from the plugin itself). I have created a fork and updated the same there. Also, today I learned that you cannot create a PR for Gists, hence this comment.

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