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Created August 19, 2019 16:28
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#!/usr/bin/env python3.7
import boto3
import botoinator
from moto import mock_s3, mock_sqs
import time
import inspect
""" This is our decorator that we will apply to boto3 methods """
def myDecorator():
def test_decorator(func):
# Add an attribute for testing
func.testValue = True
return func
return test_decorator
def testRegisterToClient():
Test registering a decorator to a single boto3 session
# Create a boto3 session
s = boto3.session.Session()
# Register the create_bucket() method to use our decorator for this session
s.register_client_decorator('s3', 'create_bucket', myDecorator())
# Now create our client as we normally would
client = s.client('s3')
# Now we can see that create_bucket() was decorated by testing the attribute we added
assert hasattr(client.create_bucket, 'testValue')
# We can also see that this only applies to calls made by the session we registered by creating a new session through boto3.client() and not registering a decorator
client = boto3.client('s3')
# Now we can see that client.create_bucket() is not decorated
assert not hasattr(client.create_bucket, 'testValue')
def testRegisterToResource():
Test registering a decorator to a single boto3 session
# Create a boto3 session
s = boto3.session.Session()
# Register the delete() method of SQS.Queue resource to be decorated for this session
s.register_resource_decorator('sqs', 'Queue', 'delete', myDecorator())
# Create our resource
sqs = s.resource('sqs', region_name='us-east-1')
# Create a queue to test with
q = sqs.create_queue(QueueName='foo')
# Now we can see that our decorator was called by testing the testValue attribute to SQS.Queue.delete() method
assert hasattr(sqs.Queue('foo').delete, 'testValue')
# We can also see that this only applies to calls made by the session we registered by creating a new session through boto3.resource() and not registering a decorator
sqs = boto3.resource('sqs', region_name='us-east-1')
# Now we can see that SQS.Queue.delete() is not decorated
assert not hasattr(sqs.Queue('foo').delete, 'testValue')
def testAddToClient():
Test registering a decorator to all boto3 sessions created
# Register the create_bucket() method to use our decorator with some args for testing
boto3.session.Session.add_client_decorator('s3', 'create_bucket', myDecorator())
# Now we can see that create_bucket() was decorated for two different clients/sessions by testing the attribute we added
clientA = boto3.client('s3')
assert hasattr(clientA.create_bucket, 'testValue')
clientB = boto3.client('s3')
assert hasattr(clientB.create_bucket, 'testValue')
def testAddToResource():
Test registering a decorator to all boto3 sessions created
# Register the create_bucket() method to use our decorator with some args for testing
boto3.session.Session.add_resource_decorator('sqs', 'Queue', 'delete', myDecorator())
# Now create two clients
sqs1 = boto3.resource('sqs', region_name='us-east-1')
sqs2 = boto3.resource('sqs', region_name='us-east-1')
# Create a queue to test with
# Now we can see that our decorator was called by testing the testValue attribute to SQS.Queue.delete() method
assert hasattr(sqs1.Queue('foo').delete, 'testValue')
assert hasattr(sqs2.Queue('foo').delete, 'testValue')
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