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Mathew Moon mathewmoon

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mathewmoon /
Created November 8, 2021 19:20
test gist
hello world
#!/usr/bin/env python3
from json import dumps
from logging import (
basicConfig as loggerConfig,
from os import environ
from re import (
compile as re_compile,
kind: SqsQueue
name: first-queue
namespace: default
principal: [email protected]
principalType: "user"
#!/usr/bin/env python3.7
import boto3
import botoinator
from moto import mock_s3, mock_sqs
import time
import inspect
""" This is our decorator that we will apply to boto3 methods """
def myDecorator():
#!/usr/bin/env python3.7
import boto3
import botoinator
from moto import mock_s3, mock_sqs
import time
import inspect
""" This is our decorator that we will apply to boto3 methods """
def myDecorator():
#!/usr/bin/env python3.7
import boto3
import botoinator
from moto import mock_s3, mock_sqs
import time
import inspect
def myDecorator(value1, value2, value3):
def test_decorator(func):
func.testValue = (value1, value2, value3)
# Client session flow
class attribute_type(TestUnit):
def __init__(self):
print(" \033[01;37;40m \n Starting test for " + inspect.stack()[1][4][0].split('.')[0].split('=')[-1])
self.parser._expression_attribute_names = {"#path": "body"}
self.parser._expression_attribute_values = {
':string1': {
'S': "a"
':string2': {
'S': "b"
Created by PLY version 3.11 (
Rule 0 S' -> expression
Rule 1 expression -> STRING MATCH STRING
Rule 2 expression -> NUMBER EQUALS NUMBER
Rule 3 expression -> STRING EQUALS STRING
Rule 4 expression -> STRING EQUALS NUMBER
Rule 5 expression -> NUMBER EQUALS STRING
#!/usr/bin/env python3.7
import sys
import re
import base64
import sys
from jsonpath_ng import jsonpath, parse
from sly import Lexer, Parser
class DynamoLex(Lexer):