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Created September 16, 2020 17:38
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public static string MakeCall2([ActivityTrigger] CallInfo callInfo, [Table("MadeCalls2", "AzureWebJobStorage")] out CallDetails calldetails, ILogger log)
log.LogWarning($"MakeCall {callInfo.Numbers}");
var madeCallId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N");
calldetails = new CallDetails
PartitionKey = "MadeCalls",
RowKey = madeCallId,
OrchestrationId = callInfo.InstanceId
string accountSid = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("accountSid");
string authToken = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("authToken");
TwilioClient.Init(accountSid, authToken);
// ***********************************************************************************************************
//TODO figure out how best to call this and loop thru the numbers instead of hardcoding the first number below
// ***********************************************************************************************************
//var to = new PhoneNumber(callInfo.Numbers[0]);
//var to = new PhoneNumber(callInfo.NumberCalled);
var from = new PhoneNumber(Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("twilioDemoNumber"));
log.LogWarning($"InstanceId {callInfo.InstanceId}");
var myCallInfo = callInfo;
foreach (var number in myCallInfo.Numbers)
for (int retryCount = 1; retryCount <= myCallInfo.Attempts; retryCount++)
log.LogWarning($"The {number} has been called {retryCount} times");
// TODO be careful with the code at the end of this string as it changes
//var statusCallbackUri = new Uri(string.Format(Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("statusCallBackUrl"), madeCallId));
var statusCallbackUri = new Uri(string.Format(Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("statusCallBackUrl"), callInfo.InstanceId));
log.LogWarning($"statusCallbackUri {statusCallbackUri}");
var statusCallbackEvent = new List<string> { "answered" };
var to = new PhoneNumber(number);
log.LogWarning($"About to make a call to {to} from {from}.");
var call = CallResource.Create(
url: new Uri(""),
statusCallback: statusCallbackUri,
statusCallbackMethod: Twilio.Http.HttpMethod.Post,
statusCallbackEvent: statusCallbackEvent);
//await Task.Delay(100);
return madeCallId;
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