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Gregor Suttie gsuttie

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param location string
param containersRGMI string
@description('Create a brand new User Assigned Managed Identity')
resource managedIdentity 'Microsoft.ManagedIdentity/userAssignedIdentities@2018-11-30' = {
name: containersRGMI
location: location
public static async Task<string> PeriodicTask3([OrchestrationTrigger] IDurableOrchestrationContext context, ILogger log)
var waitBetweenTries = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(100); // 3 tries in 5 minutes
var phoneNumbers = await context.CallActivityAsync<string[]>("A_GetNumbersFromStorage", null);
var callTime = context.CurrentUtcDateTime;
foreach (var phoneNumber in phoneNumbers)
public static async Task<int> PeriodicTask([OrchestrationTrigger] IDurableOrchestrationContext ctx, ILogger log)
var timesRun = ctx.GetInput<int>();
if (!ctx.IsReplaying)
log.LogWarning($"Starting the PeriodicTask activity {ctx.InstanceId}, {timesRun}");
await ctx.CallActivityAsync("A_PeriodicActivity", timesRun);
var nextRun = ctx.CurrentUtcDateTime.AddSeconds(30);
gsuttie / gist:92ed20b1cd1f2e0d87e3e2e090ce4708
Created September 16, 2020 17:38
public static string MakeCall2([ActivityTrigger] CallInfo callInfo, [Table("MadeCalls2", "AzureWebJobStorage")] out CallDetails calldetails, ILogger log)
log.LogWarning($"MakeCall {callInfo.Numbers}");
var madeCallId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N");
calldetails = new CallDetails
PartitionKey = "MadeCalls",
gsuttie / gist:3b339a128eac2613d0eafa025bb6f5db
Last active July 8, 2020 18:38
PowerShell Script to Create Azure Custom RBAC Role
$subscription_id = (Get-AzContext)
(Get-Content -Path $HOME/customRoleDefinition.json) -Replace 'SUBSCRIPTION_ID', $subscription_id |
Set-Content -Path $HOME/customRoleDefinition.json
New-AzRoleDefinition -InputFile ./customRoleDefinition.json
"Name": "Virtual Machine Operator (Custom)",
"Id": null,
"IsCustom": true,
"Description": "Allows to start and stop (deallocate) Azure VMs",
"Actions": [
# Python example Azure Pipeline
- azure-pipelines
- master
- job: Ubuntu_testing
#Login to Azure
#List all Resources within the Subscription
$Resources = Get-AzureRmResource
#For each Resource apply the Tag of the Resource Group
Foreach ($resource in $Resources)
$Rgname = $resource.Resourcegroupname
# PowerShell Systems Report
# Example usage: .\SystemsReport.ps1 .\list.txt
# Remember that list.txt is the file containing a list of Server names to run this against
#region Variables and Arguments
$users = "[email protected]" # List of users to email your report to (separate by comma)
$fromemail = "[email protected]"
$server = "" #enter your own SMTP server DNS name / IP address here
$list = $args[0] #This accepts the argument you add to your scheduled task for the list of servers. i.e. list.txt
$computers = get-content $list #grab the names of the servers/computers to check from the list.txt file.
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