Generates an algorithmic 3D OBJ file with ThreeJS and Node.js.
# print to stdout
node generate-mesh.js > test.obj
# write to file
node generate-mesh.js test.obj
#include "ofApp.h" | |
//-------------------------------------------------------------- | |
void ofApp::setup(){ | |
video.setDeviceID(0); | |
video.setup(320, 240); | |
} | |
//-------------------------------------------------------------- |
- channel from ofLog | |
- padding from ofLog | |
- nanosThen from ofFpsCounter | |
- secsThen from ofFpsCounter | |
- _mutexBlocks from ofThread | |
- _threadRunning from ofThread | |
- threadBeingWaitedFor from ofThread | |
- prevValue from ofParameter::Value | |
- document from ofXml | |
- element from ofXml |
int seed = int(random(999999)); | |
void setup() { | |
size(960, 960, P2D); | |
smooth(8); | |
pixelDensity(2); | |
rectMode(CENTER); | |
generate(); |
Playing with unsafe can be quite fun.
w/ speed up or slow down: | |
ffmpeg -i INPUT -crf 14 -vf "scale=640:640, setpts=1.0*PTS" -c:a copy -tune grain OUTPUT | |
(adjust crf for compression amount and 1.0*PTS for speed up / down) | |
w/out speed up: | |
ffmpeg -i INPUT -crf 14 -filter:v scale=640:640 -c:a copy -tune grain OUTPUT |
#!/bin/sh | |
# A script to collect (conserve? steal?) Constant Dullaart's "war" web pages | |
# See: | |
# Usage: ./ | |
start_from="" | |
if [ ! -d src ] ; then |
(defn branch | |
"A recursive branching tree structure with half-cylinder flowers." | |
[level] | |
(if (= 0 level) | |
[(length 1.5) cylinder] | |
[(angle (fn [_] (m/random 3 5))) ry- | |
(length (fn [t] (* (m/random 0.75 1.5) (or (:last-length t) 1.5)))) | |
(map (fn [[a b]] (concat (take 8 (cycle [a b])) (branch (dec level)))) | |
[[ry line] [ry- line] [rx line] [rx- line]])])) |
(defn grow [pos rot points len] | |
(let [[x y z] (last rot) ;; :( no M33 and no (g/rotate-xyz _ (vec3 x y z)) | |
corners (map #(-> % (g/rotate-x x) (g/rotate-y y) (g/rotate-z z) (g/+ (last pos))) | |
[(vec3 0 0 0) (vec3 -1 0 0) (vec3 0 -1 0) (vec3 0 1 0) | |
(vec3 -1 0 len) (vec3 0 -1 len) (vec3 0 1 len) (vec3 0 0 len)])] | |
[(conj (pop pos) (last corners)) | |
rot | |
(conj points (map gu/tessellate-3 (g/faces (apply cub/cuboid corners))))])) | |
(defn build-lsystem [l-system angle len] |
let isFunction = function(obj) { | |
return typeof obj == 'function' || false; | |
}; | |
class EventEmitter { | |
constructor() { | |
this.listeners = new Map(); | |
} | |
addListener(label, callback) { | |
this.listeners.has(label) || this.listeners.set(label, []); |