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Davide Prati edap

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vanderlin / ofApp.cpp
Created August 5, 2019 18:19
Color Palette from image (OpenCV KMeans)
#include "ofApp.h"
void ofApp::setup(){
video.setup(320, 240);
- channel from ofLog
- padding from ofLog
- nanosThen from ofFpsCounter
- secsThen from ofFpsCounter
- _mutexBlocks from ofThread
- _threadRunning from ofThread
- threadBeingWaitedFor from ofThread
- prevValue from ofParameter::Value
- document from ofXml
- element from ofXml
int seed = int(random(999999));
void setup() {
size(960, 960, P2D);

procedural mesh generation

Generates an algorithmic 3D OBJ file with ThreeJS and Node.js.

# print to stdout
node generate-mesh.js > test.obj

# write to file
node generate-mesh.js test.obj

Playing with unsafe can be quite fun.

w/ speed up or slow down:
ffmpeg -i INPUT -crf 14 -vf "scale=640:640, setpts=1.0*PTS" -c:a copy -tune grain OUTPUT
(adjust crf for compression amount and 1.0*PTS for speed up / down)
w/out speed up:
ffmpeg -i INPUT -crf 14 -filter:v scale=640:640 -c:a copy -tune grain OUTPUT
dphiffer /
Created October 13, 2016 00:24
A script to collect (conserve? steal?) Constant Dullaart's "war" web pages
# A script to collect (conserve? steal?) Constant Dullaart's "war" web pages
# See:
# Usage: ./
if [ ! -d src ] ; then
jackrusher / naive-plant.clj
Last active March 12, 2016 16:24
Preview of my new 3D Turtle library, Gamera.
(defn branch
"A recursive branching tree structure with half-cylinder flowers."
(if (= 0 level)
[(length 1.5) cylinder]
[(angle (fn [_] (m/random 3 5))) ry-
(length (fn [t] (* (m/random 0.75 1.5) (or (:last-length t) 1.5))))
(map (fn [[a b]] (concat (take 8 (cycle [a b])) (branch (dec level))))
[[ry line] [ry- line] [rx line] [rx- line]])]))
jackrusher / koch-like.clj
Created January 18, 2016 10:57
A quick 3D L-system implementation using Toxi's libraries.
(defn grow [pos rot points len]
(let [[x y z] (last rot) ;; :( no M33 and no (g/rotate-xyz _ (vec3 x y z))
corners (map #(-> % (g/rotate-x x) (g/rotate-y y) (g/rotate-z z) (g/+ (last pos)))
[(vec3 0 0 0) (vec3 -1 0 0) (vec3 0 -1 0) (vec3 0 1 0)
(vec3 -1 0 len) (vec3 0 -1 len) (vec3 0 1 len) (vec3 0 0 len)])]
[(conj (pop pos) (last corners))
(conj points (map gu/tessellate-3 (g/faces (apply cub/cuboid corners))))]))
(defn build-lsystem [l-system angle len]
datchley / es6-eventemitter.js
Last active June 7, 2021 03:40
A straight forward EventEmitter implemented in Javascript using ES6
let isFunction = function(obj) {
return typeof obj == 'function' || false;
class EventEmitter {
constructor() {
this.listeners = new Map();
addListener(label, callback) {
this.listeners.has(label) || this.listeners.set(label, []);