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Created August 9, 2016 18:50
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(defn morphogen-mesh
[seed tree]
(-> seed
(mg/generate-mesh tree)
(def strip-quad
"Arrangement of quads"
(let [quad (mg/apply-recursively (mg/reflect :e) 4 [1] 1)
reflected-quad (mg/reflect :n :out [{} quad])
inject #(-> quad
(assoc-in (mg/child-path [1 1 0]) %)
(assoc-in (mg/child-path [1 1 1 1 0]) %)
seed-clone (mg/reflect :s :out [{} (inject reflected-quad)])]
(mg/reflect :s :out [(inject seed-clone) (inject reflected-quad)])))
(defn quads-recursively
[(mg/seed-box (mg/seed-box (mg/circle-lattice-seg 6 0.25 0.1))) strip-quads])
(apply morphogen-mesh (quads-recursively))
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