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Created September 23, 2014 08:23
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HTML5 localStorage utility functions for ClojureScript. I find it makes for cleaner code when I wrap the native JS.
(ns localstorage)
(defn set-item!
"Set `key' in browser's localStorage to `val`."
[key val]
(.setItem (.-localStorage js/window) key val))
(defn get-item
"Returns value of `key' from browser's localStorage."
(.getItem (.-localStorage js/window) key))
(defn remove-item!
"Remove the browser's localStorage value for the given `key`"
(.removeItem (.-localStorage js/window) key))
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pyrmont commented Mar 1, 2020

Thanks for this! Oh, the final docstring is missing a full stop at the end.

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Thank you!

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This is very useful! Thanks a lot

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I think if I were doing this again today I would probably make the API either more like Clojure's (assoc!, get, dissoc) or use interop directly

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