Always cycle experiments from the previous Kolb's into your next one to ensure your marginal gains are compounding._
- Yes
- No
To see how valid measuring cognitive load is
Schedule fifteen minutes at the end of the week. Here you'll simply ask, "How accurate is my ability to predict barriers or conditions?" You will probably notice how difficult it is to anticipate barriers and conditions without experiencing it first! Did you schedule fifteen minutes this week for this skill? The skill to identify barriers and conditions?
(def test-state | |
{:document {:paragraphs {:uuid-1 {}} | |
:paragraph-order [:uuid-1 :uuid-2 :uuid-3 :uuid-4]} | |
:edit {:spellcheck {:mistakes {:uuid-1 [[4 12] [38 42]] | |
:uuid-3 [[7 12]] | |
:uuid-4 [] | |
:uuid-X [[0 4]]}}}}) | |
(defn paragraph-order [state] | |
;; get-in can be more readable than destructuring. Just know |
(ns ordered-mistakes | |
;; I used Criterium to benchmark | |
#_(:require [criterium.core :refer [quick-bench]])) | |
(def test-state | |
{:document {:paragraphs {:uuid-1 {}} | |
:paragraph-order [:uuid-1 :uuid-2 :uuid-3 :uuid-4]} | |
:edit {:spellcheck {:mistakes {:uuid-1 [[4 12] [38 42]] | |
:uuid-3 [[7 12]] | |
:uuid-4 [] |
(ns piglatin) | |
(defn piglify | |
"First letter last. Add \"ay\". Leave punctuation alone." | |
[s] | |
(if (re-find #"[\.!?,]" s) | |
s | |
(str (subs s 1) (subs s 0 1) "ay"))) | |
(defn pig-it [s] |
(ns user | |
(:require [integrant.core :as ig] | |
[integrant.repl :refer [go halt prep reset reset-all set-prep!]] | |
[integrant.repl.state :as state])) | |
;; Getting one key setup. | |
(def config |
user=> (reset) | |
:reloading (user) | |
Hoop | |
:resumed | |
user=> (reset) | |
:reloading () | |
Hoop | |
:resumed | |
user=> (reset) | |
:reloading () |
user=> (def x (atom 1)) | |
#'user/x | |
user=> (def y x) | |
#'user/y | |
user=> @x | |
1 | |
user=> @y | |
1 | |
user=> (swap! x inc) | |
2 |
(ns translate-roman-numerals.core) | |
;; What follows is how I understand srasu's code. | |
;; This is awesome. Before, I'd do a defn with a get-in. This is better. | |
(def numeral-values | |
{\I 1 | |
\V 5 | |
\X 10 | |
\L 50 |