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Show svn info in your bash prompt
# Returns (svn:<revision>:<branch|tag>[*]) if applicable
svn_prompt() {
if [ -d ".svn" ]; then
local branch dirty rev info=$(svn info 2>/dev/null)
branch=$(svn_parse_branch "$info")
# Uncomment if you want to display the current revision.
#rev=$(echo "$info" | awk '/^Revision: [0-9]+/{print $2}')
# Uncomment if you want to display whether the repo is 'dirty.' In some
# cases (on large repos) this may take a few seconds, which can
# noticeably delay your prompt after a command executes.
#[ "$(svn status)" ] && dirty='*'
if [ "$branch" != "" ] ; then
echo "(svn:$rev:$branch$dirty)"
# Returns the current branch or tag name from the given `svn info` output
svn_parse_branch() {
local chunk url=$(echo "$1" | awk '/^URL: .*/{print $2}')
echo $url | grep -q "/trunk\b"
if [ $? -eq 0 ] ; then
echo trunk
chunk=$(echo $url | grep -o "/releases.*")
if [ "$chunk" == "" ] ; then
chunk=$(echo $url | grep -o "/branches.*")
if [ "$chunk" == "" ] ; then
chunk=$(echo $url | grep -o "/tags.*")
echo $chunk | awk -F/ '{print $3}'
export PS1="\w\$(svn_prompt)>"
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