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id = "89s52";
desc = "AT89S52";
stk500_devcode = 0xE1;
signature = 0x1e 0x52 0x06;
chip_erase_delay = 500000;
reset = dedicated;
pgm_enable = "1 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1",
"x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x";
ajgappmark /
Created April 13, 2024 08:48
git ps1 to display branch name info for bash, works on debian, arch
#__git_sequencer_status is a function
function __git_sequencer_status ()
local todo;
if test -f "$g/CHERRY_PICK_HEAD"; then
return 0;
if test -f "$g/REVERT_HEAD"; then
ajgappmark / .dircolors
Created March 21, 2024 11:02
# Zenburn color theme for the color GNU ls utility.
# Term Section
TERM Eterm
TERM ansi
TERM color-xterm
TERM con132x25
TERM con132x30
TERM con132x43
TERM con132x60
ajgappmark /
Created March 1, 2024 11:11
#=== [bash aliases] ===
alias ++='pushd'
alias -- -='popd'
alias ??='dirs -v'
alias ]='xdg-open '
alias ackl='ack --pager='\''less -ar '\'' --ignore-file=match:/[Cc]hange[Ll]og\.?/ --ignore-file=match:/\.po/ '
alias alert='notify-send --urgency=low -i "$([ $? = 0 ] && echo terminal || echo error)" "$(history|tail -n1|sed -e '\''s/^\s*[0-9]\+\s*//;s/[;&|]\s*alert$//'\'')"'
alias bman='man --html=x-www-browser '
alias cdiff='git diff --no-index '
alias cdt='cd ~/tmp '
ajgappmark / container.go
Created January 22, 2024 18:17 — forked from christophberger/container.go
A container in less than 60 lines of Go
package main
import (
func main() {
ajgappmark /
Created January 1, 2024 07:45 — forked from lucasw/
Open Source DOS Games

Actual dos games that could at least theoretically be recompiled with the right dos tools, and then played in dosbox or on real hardware.

Doom doesn't count because the dos source is not available.

Look at


Credit to Johan Petersson 2005-08-14, original was located at but is now defunct (and broken in Wayback Machine).

What is

When you use the ldd utility on a reasonably recent Linux system you'll frequently see a reference to an ethereal entity known as

ldd /bin/sh

SSH keypair setup for GitHub (or GitHub/GitLab/BitBucket, etc, etc)

Create a repo.

Make sure there is at least one file in it (even just the

Generate a SSH key pair (private/public):

ssh-keygen -t rsa -C "[email protected]"
ajgappmark / .bashrc
Created September 14, 2023 04:08 — forked from mrlannigan/.bashrc
Bash Prompt to Display SVN/GIT Current Branch
if [ -f ~/.bash_colors ]; then
. ~/.bash_colors
function _returnLambda {
if [[ $RET = 0 ]]; then echo -e "${BGreen}"; else echo -e "${BRed}"; fi;
ajgappmark / gist:ce955e07579168e2ca89f48f23e9c9bd
Created September 14, 2023 04:02 — forked from brettstimmerman/gist:382508
Show svn info in your bash prompt
# Returns (svn:<revision>:<branch|tag>[*]) if applicable
svn_prompt() {
if [ -d ".svn" ]; then
local branch dirty rev info=$(svn info 2>/dev/null)
branch=$(svn_parse_branch "$info")
# Uncomment if you want to display the current revision.
#rev=$(echo "$info" | awk '/^Revision: [0-9]+/{print $2}')