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Last active January 7, 2021 09:55
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Canonical MODS MASTER Twig template - Rev 21
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
{# Digital_Grinnell_MODS_Master.twig Revision 21
THE official copy of this Twig template can be found as a Gist at
This TWIG template for IMI import is intended to serve as a general-purpose
starting point for MODS import into Digital Grinnell.
Note that a copy of this Twig is NO LONGER part of the 4-tab Google Sheet named
Digital_Grinnell_MODS_Master. Its address is:
History --------------------
Rev 21
Pulling the "CModel" column into /mods/extension/CModel to implement proper compound object display
Rev 20
Changing "Related_Items~Types" syntax to "Related_Items~Type^URI"
Rev 19
Correcting the Genre and Form elements
Rev 18
Added the /mods/extension/dg_parentObject field reflecting the contents of the PARENT column
Rev 17
Significant changes include addition of Table_of_Contents, addition of ~AuthorityURI to some fields, and reorder of MASTER columns and Twig to better match module dg7's 'cleanup_mods_and_reorder.xslt' display order.
Rev 16
Changed "Genre" column to "Genre~AuthorityURI" with default authority set to Changed all 'isPartOf' references to 'host'.
Rev 15
Added the Primary_Sort and Handle columns
Rev 14
Added TRANSCRIPT and THUMBNAIL control columns from Oral Histories. Updating hook_form_islandora_multi_importer_form_alter() in dg7.module to match.
Rev 13
Corrected "Private" note generates /mods/extension/note; added specific Citations (generates note[@type='citation']) column.
Rev 12
Added Notes~Display_Label => note[@type='content'] to accomodate content notes with greater flexibility.
Rev 11
Added Dates_As_Notes => note[@type='creation/production credits'] fields for non-discrete or otherwise invalid 'dates'.
Rev 10
Changed semi-automatic imi_import_source_tracking to simple column heading of import_source.
Rev 9.1
No structural changes. Multiple tabs eliminated by placing EVERYTHING in Column A with spaces for indent.
Rev 9.0
Changed import_index and import_source behavior to use IMI's new imi_import_source_tracking feature and field
Rev. 8
Corrected <physicalDescription> logic and indentation
Rev. 7
Added the Import_Source column intended to store the URL of the worksheet (Google Sheet) the data was imported from.
Rev. 6
Corrected primarySort to default value of 99 (was 1)
Rev. 5.1
Sync DGAdmin where the Rev. 4 sheet was incorrectly identified as 5
Rev. 5
Added /mods/extension/hidden_creator support
Rev. 4
Added Pull_Quotes column processing to create a /mods/extension/pull_quotes field.
Rev. 3
Removed capitalization on default 'Creator' roleTerm, and removed the <dg_creators> element entirely.
Rev. 2
Added ~Display_Label to the Other_Date field, '|trim' to all of the originInfo fields, and
if name is not null and name|trim is not empty' to all multi-value fields.
Rev. 1
Initial MASTER saved on 28-July-2017
Derived from CoC.twig
IMI twig template created for ingest of PHPP - Chamber of Commerce objects. MM 24-July-2017
Derived from dg_base_mods_template.twig
Created 1-May-2017 from base_mods_template.twig that shipped with the IMI module.
Note that the order of MODS elements here is significant. It is the same order that our --reorder
self-transform produces.
-Mark M.
Use ----------------------------------------------
This TWIG generally supports four field syntaxes…
value …for simple single-valued fields. The header on this field should be singular.
value~attr …for a single-valued field with an optional attribute. The header on this field should be singular but include a ‘~something’ suffix.
value1 | value2 | value3 …for simple multi-valued fields. The header on this field should be plural to indicate that it can be multivalued.
value1~attr1 | value2 | value3~attr3 …for multi-valued fields with attribute possibilities. This needs a plural header with a ‘~something’ suffix.
In the 2nd and 4th syntaxes a value may exist without an attribute, like ‘value2’ in the
line above. When no ~attribute is present a default will be assumed and that
default is defined in the Twig file. The default varies from field-to-field.
An example…
Doe, Jane | Doe, John ~ spouse | Kong, King ~ gorilla
In the above example ‘Jane Doe’ would be identified as the ‘Creator’, since that
is the default personal name role in our Twig template. ‘John Doe’ and ‘King Kong’
would be identified as contributors with roles of ‘spouse’ and ‘gorilla’,
respectively. The MODS from this field would look like this...
<name type='personal'>
<namePart>Doe, Jane</namePart>
<roleTerm type='text'>creator</roleTerm>
<name type='personal'>
<namePart>Doe, John</namePart>
<roleTerm type='text'>spouse</roleTerm>
<name type='personal'>
<namePart>Kong, King</namePart>
<roleTerm type='text'>gorilla</roleTerm>
The corresponding worksheet headers should be ordered and read like this...
Alternative_Titles, Personal_Names~Roles, Corporate_Names~Roles, Abstract,
Index_Date, Date_Issued, Date_Captured, Other_Date~Display_Label, Publisher,
Place_Of_Publication, Public_Notes~Types, Notes~Display_Label, Dates_as_Notes~Display_Label, Citations, Table_of_Contents,
LCSH_Subjects, Subjects_Names~Types, Subjects_Geographic, Subjects_Temporal, Keywords,
Coordinate, Related_Items~Type^URI, Type_of_Resource~AuthorityURI, Genre~AuthorityURI, Extent, Form~AuthorityURI, MIME_Type, Digital_Origin,
Classifications~Authorities, Language_Names~Codes, Local_Identifier, Handle, Physical_Location, Shelf_Locator, Access_Condition,
Import_Source, Primary_Sort, Hidden_Creator, Pull_Quotes, Private_Notes~Types
{% block content %}
{% autoescape false %}
<mods xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xlink="" xmlns:mods="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
{# Title #}
<title>{{ data.title }}</title>
{# Alternative_Titles #}
{% if attribute(data, 'alternative_titles') %}
<titleInfo type='alternative'>
{% for title in attribute(data, 'alternative_titles')|split('|') %}
<title>{{ title|trim }}</title>
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{# Personal_Names~Roles #}
{# Creator/Contributor personal names logic of the form name1~role1|name2~role2|name3|name4~role4 #}
{# Note that when role is omitted, like name3 above, 'Creator' is assumed #}
{% if attribute(data, 'personal_names~roles') %}
{% for name in attribute(data, 'personal_names~roles')|split('|') %}
{% if name is not null and name|trim is not empty %}
<name type="personal">
{% if '~' in name %}
{% set pcc_parts = name|split('~',2) %}
<namePart>{{ pcc_parts[0]|trim }}</namePart>
<roleTerm type="text">{{ pcc_parts[1]|trim }}</roleTerm>
{% else %}
<namePart>{{ name|trim }}</namePart>
<roleTerm type="text">creator</roleTerm>
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{# Corporate_Names~Roles #}
{# Creator/Contributor corporate names logic of the form name1~role1|name2~role2|name3|name4~role4 #}
{# Note that when role is omitted, like name3 above, 'Creator' is assumed #}
{% if attribute(data, 'corporate_names~roles') %}
{% for name in attribute(data, 'corporate_names~roles')|split('|') %}
{% if name is not null and name|trim is not empty %}
<name type="corporate">
{% if '~' in name %}
{% set ccc_parts = name|split('~',2) %}
<namePart>{{ ccc_parts[0]|trim }}</namePart>
<roleTerm type="text">{{ ccc_parts[1]|trim }}</roleTerm>
{% else %}
<namePart>{{ name|trim }}</namePart>
<roleTerm type="text">creator</roleTerm>
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{# Abstract #}
<abstract>{{ data.abstract }}</abstract>
{# Index_Date, Date_Issued, Date_Captured, Other_Date~Display_Label, Publisher, Place_Of_Publication #}
{% if attribute(data, 'index_date') or attribute(data, 'other_date~display_label') or attribute(data, 'date_issued') or attribute(data, 'publisher') or attribute(data, 'place_of_publication') or attribute(data, 'date_captured') %}
{% if attribute(data, 'index_date') %}
<dateCreated>{{ data.index_date|trim }}</dateCreated>
{% endif %}
{% if attribute(data, 'other_date~display_label') %}
{% set od_field = attribute(data, 'other_date~display_label') %}
{% if '~' in od_field %}
{% set od_parts = od_field|split('~',2) %}
<dateOther displayLabel='{{ od_parts[1]|trim }}'>{{ od_parts[0]|trim }}</dateOther>
{% else %}
<dateOther>{{ od_field|trim }}</dateOther>
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% if attribute(data, 'date_issued') %}
<dateIssued>{{ data.date_issued|trim }}</dateIssued>
{% endif %}
{% if attribute(data, 'date_captured') %}
<dateCaptured>{{ data.date_captured|trim }}</dateCaptured>
{% endif %}
{% if attribute(data, 'publisher') %}
<publisher>{{ data.publisher|trim }}</publisher>
{% endif %}
{% if attribute(data, 'place_of_publication') %}
<placeTerm type="text">{{ data.place_of_publication|trim }}</placeTerm>
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{# Public_Notes~Types #}
{# July 2017... Replacing the simple note1|note2 logic below with support for note1~type1|note2|note3~type3 logic #}
{% if attribute(data, 'public_notes~types') %}
{% for note in attribute(data, 'public_notes~types')|split('|') %}
{% if note is not null and note|trim is not empty %}
{% if '~' in note %}
{% set note_parts = note|split('~',2) %}
<note type='{{ note_parts[1]|trim }}'>{{ note_parts[0]|trim }}</note>
{% else %}
<note>{{ note|trim }}</note>
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{# Notes~Display_Label #}
{# August 2018... Adding Notes~Display_Label to create a place for notes with greater control over display. Implicitly @type='content' #}
{% if attribute(data, 'notes~display_label') %}
{% for note in attribute(data, 'notes~display_label')|split('|') %}
{% if note is not null and note|trim is not empty %}
{% if '~' in note %}
{% set note_parts = note|split('~',2) %}
<note type='content' displayLabel='{{ note_parts[1]|trim }}'>{{ note_parts[0]|trim }}</note>
{% else %}
<note type='content'>{{ note|trim }}</note>
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{# Dates_as_Notes~Display_Label #}
{# August 2018... Adding Dates_As_Notes~Display_Label to create a place for otherwise invalid date strings. Implicitly @type='creation/production credits' #}
{% if attribute(data, 'dates_as_notes~display_label') %}
{% for note in attribute(data, 'dates_as_notes~display_label')|split('|') %}
{% if note is not null and note|trim is not empty %}
{% if '~' in note %}
{% set note_parts = note|split('~',2) %}
<note type='creation/production credits' displayLabel='{{ note_parts[1]|trim }}'>{{ note_parts[0]|trim }}</note>
{% else %}
<note type='creation/production credits'>{{ note|trim }}</note>
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{# Citations #}
{% if attribute(data, 'citations') %}
{% for citation in attribute(data, 'citations')|split('|') %}
{% if citation is not null and citation|trim is not empty %}
<note type='citation'>{{ citation|trim }}</note>
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{# Table_of_Contents #}
{% if attribute(data, 'table_of_contents') %}
<tableOfContents>{{ data.table_of_contents }}</tableOfContents>
{% endif %}
{# LCSH_Subjects #}
{% if attribute(data, 'lcsh_subjects') %}
<subject authority="lcsh">
{% for topic in attribute(data, 'lcsh_subjects')|split('|') %}
{% if topic is not null and topic|trim is not empty %}
<topic>{{ topic|trim }}</topic>
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{# Subjects_Names~Types #}
{% if attribute(data, 'subjects_names~types') %}
{% for subjects_name in attribute(data, 'subjects_names~types')|split('|') %}
{% if subjects_name is not null and subjects_name|trim is not empty %}
<subject authority="lcsh">
{% if '~' in subjects_name %}
{% set subjects_name_parts = subjects_name|split('~',2) %}
<name type='{{ subjects_name_parts[1]|trim }}'>
<namePart>{{ subjects_name_parts[0]|trim }}</namePart>
{% else %}
<namePart>{{ subjects_name|trim }}</namePart>
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{# Subjects_Geographic #}
{% if attribute(data, 'subjects_geographic') %}
<subject authority="lcsh">
{% for geographic in attribute(data, 'subjects_geographic')|split('|') %}
{% if geographic is not null and geographic|trim is not empty %}
<geographic>{{ geographic|trim }}</geographic>
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{# Subjects_Temporal #}
{% if attribute(data, 'subjects_temporal') %}
<subject authority="lcsh">
{% for temporal in attribute(data, 'subjects_temporal')|split('|') %}
{% if temporal is not null and temporal|trim is not empty %}
<temporal>{{ temporal|trim }}</temporal>
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{# Keywords #}
{% if attribute(data, 'keywords') %}
{% for keyword in attribute(data, 'keywords')|split('|') %}
{% if keyword is not null and keyword|trim is not empty %}
<topic>{{ keyword|trim }}</topic>
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{# Coordinate #}
{% if attribute(data, 'coordinate') %}
<coordinates>{{ data.coordinate }}</coordinates>
{% endif %}
{# Related_Item~Type^URI #}
{# Supports relations of the form: related_item1~type1 | related_item2 | related_item3~type3^uri3 #}
{# If ~type is omitted, as in related_item2 above, the type = 'host' is assumed. #}
{# ^uri should only be specified if ~type is present, so related_item^uri and related_item~uri are NOT valid syntax! #}
{# Ensures there is one and ONLY one relation to "Digital Grinnell" #}
{% if attribute(data, 'related_items~type^uri') %}
{% for relation in attribute(data, 'related_items~type^uri')|split('|') %}
{% if relation is not null and relation|trim is not empty %}
{% if '~' in relation %}
{% set parts1 = relation|split('~',2) %}
{% set parts2 = parts1[1]|split('^',2) %}
{% set part1 = parts1[0] %}
{% set part2 = parts2[0] %}
{% set part3 = parts2[1] %}
{% if part1|trim != 'Digital Grinnell' %}
{% if part3 is not null and part3|trim is not empty %}
<relatedItem type='{{ part2|trim }}' xlink:href='{{ part3|trim }}'>
<title>{{ part1|trim }}</title>
{% else %}
<relatedItem type='{{ part2|trim }}'>
<title>{{ part1|trim }}</title>
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% else %}
{% if relation|trim != 'Digital Grinnell' %}
<relatedItem type='host'>
<title>{{ relation|trim }}</title>
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{# This block is CUSTOM and specific to Digital Grinnell. It ensures that ALL object have a relatedItem[@type='host'] with a value of 'Digital Grinnell' since those were explicitly supressed above. #}
<relatedItem type="host" xlink:href="">
<title>Digital Grinnell</title>
{# Type_of_Resource~AuthorityURI #}
{% if attribute(data, 'type_of_resource') %}
<typeOfResource>{{ data.type_of_resource|trim }}</typeOfResource>
{% endif %}
{# Genre~AuthorityURI #}
{# This element is NOT multiple, but the multi logic is applied here because it works #}
{% if attribute(data, 'genre~authorityuri') %}
{% for genre in attribute(data, 'genre~authorityuri')|split('|') %}
{% if genre is not null and genre|trim is not empty %}
{% if '~' in genre %}
{% set genre_parts = genre|split('~',2) %}
<genre authorityURI='{{ genre_parts[1]|trim }}'>{{ genre_parts[0]|trim }}</genre>
{% else %}
<genre authorityURI=''>{{ genre }}</genre>
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{# Extent, Form~AuthorityURI, MIME_Type, Digital_Origin #}
{% if attribute(data, 'extent') or attribute(data, 'form~authorityuri') or attribute(data, 'mime_type') or attribute(data, 'digital_origin') %}
{% if attribute(data, 'extent') %}
<extent>{{ data.extent }}</extent>
{% endif %}
{# The form~authorityuri element is NOT multiple, but the multi logic is applied here because it works #}
{% if attribute(data, 'form~authorityuri') %}
{% for form in attribute(data, 'form~authorityuri')|split('|') %}
{% if form is not null and form|trim is not empty %}
{% if '~' in form %}
{% set form_parts = form|split('~',2) %}
<form authorityURI='{{ form_parts[1]|trim }}'>{{ form_parts[0]|trim }}</form>
{% else %}
<form>{{ form }}</form>
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% if attribute(data, 'mime_type') %}
<internetMediaType>{{ data.mime_type }}</internetMediaType>
{% endif %}
{% if attribute(data, 'digital_origin') %}
<digitalOrigin>{{ data.digital_origin }}</digitalOrigin>
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{# Classifications~Authorities #}
{% if attribute(data, 'classifications~authorities') %}
{% for classification in attribute(data, 'classifications~authorities')|split('|') %}
{% if classification is not null and classification|trim is not empty %}
{% if '~' in classification %}
{% set classification_parts = classification|split('~',2) %}
<classification authoritiy='{{ classification_parts[1]|trim }}' type='mixed'>{{ classification_parts[0]|trim }}</classification>
{% else %}
<classification type='mixed'>{{ classification|trim }}</classification>
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{# Language_Names~Codes #}
{% if attribute(data, 'language_names~codes') %}
{% for language in attribute(data, 'language_names~codes')|split('|') %}
{% if language is not null and language|trim is not empty %}
{% if '~' in language %}
{% set lparts = language|split('~',2) %}
<languageTerm type="text">{{ lparts[0]|trim }}</languageTerm>
<languageTerm type="code" authority="iso639-2b">{{ lparts[1]|trim }}</languageTerm>
{% else %}
<languageTerm type="text">{{ language|trim }}</languageTerm>
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{# Local_Identifier #}
{% if attribute(data, 'local_identifier') %}
<identifier type="local">{{ data.local_identifier|trim }}</identifier>
{% endif %}
{# Handle #}
{% if attribute(data, 'handle') %}
<identifier type="hdl">{{ data.handle|trim }}</identifier>
{% endif %}
{# Physical_Location, Shelf_Locator #}
{% if attribute(data, 'physical_location') or attribute(data, 'shelf_locator') %}
{% if attribute(data, 'physical_location') %}
<physicalLocation>{{ data.physical_location }}</physicalLocation>
{% endif %}
{% if attribute(data, 'shelf_locator') %}
<shelfLocator>{{ data.shelf_locator }}</shelfLocator>
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{# Access_Condition #}
{% if attribute(data, 'access_condition') %}
<accessCondition type="useAndReproduction">{{ data.access_condition }}</accessCondition>
{% else %}
<accessCondition type="useAndReporoduction">Copyright to this work is held by the author(s), in accordance with United States copyright law (USC 17). Readers of this work have certain rights as defined by the law, including but not limited to fair use (17 USC 107 et seq.).</accessCondition>
{% endif %}
{# Import_Index, Import_Source, Primary_Sort, Hidden_Creator, Pull_Quotes, Private_Notes~Types, PARENT #}
{# The following MODS extension elements may be specific to Digital Grinnell! #}
{% if attribute(data, 'import_index') %}
<dg_importIndex>{{ data.import_index }}</dg_importIndex>
{% endif %}
{% if attribute(data, 'import_source') %}
<dg_importSource>{{ data.import_source }}</dg_importSource>
{% endif %}
{% if attribute(data, 'primary_sort') %}
<primarySort>{{ data.primary_sort }}</primarySort>
{% else %}
{% endif %}
{% if attribute(data, 'hidden_creator') %}
<hidden_creator>{{ data.hidden_creator }}</hidden_creator>
{% endif %}
{% if attribute(data, 'pull_quotes') %}
{% for pull_quote in attribute(data, 'pull_quotes')|split('|') %}
{% if pull_quote is not null and pull_quote|trim is not empty %}
<pull_quote>{{ pull_quote|trim }}</pull_quote>
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% if attribute(data, 'private_notes~types') %}
{% for pr_note in attribute(data, 'private_notes~types')|split('|') %}
{% if pr_note is not null and pr_note|trim is not empty %}
{% if '~' in pr_note %}
{% set pr_note_parts = pr_note|split('~',2) %}
<note type='{{ pr_note_parts[1]|trim }}'>{{ pr_note_parts[0]|trim }}</note>
{% else %}
<note>{{ pr_note|trim }}</note>
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{# The /mods/extension/dg_parent_object field is MODS metadata reflecting the contents of the PARENT column #}
{% if attribute(data, 'parent') %}
<dg_parentObject>{{ data.parent }}</dg_parentObject>
{% endif %}
{# The /mods/extension/CModel field is MODS metadata reflecting the contents of the CMODEL column #}
{% if attribute(data, 'cmodel') %}
<CModel>{{ data.cmodel }}</CModel>
{% endif %}
{% endautoescape %}
{% endblock %}
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