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Mark McFate McFateM

View GitHub Profile
McFateM / gist:271cbd668331f9c863a685da3d1ebe3f
Created August 31, 2020 15:20
Output from /utility-scripts/isle_drupal_build_tools && ./ - August 31, 2020
╭─markmcfate@MAD25W812UJ1G9 ~/GitHub/dg-isle ‹ruby-2.3.0› ‹master›
╰─$ docker-compose up -d
Starting isle-portainer-ld ... done
Starting isle-mysql-ld ... done
Starting isle-proxy-ld ... done
Starting isle-solr-ld ... done
Starting isle-fedora-ld ... done
Starting isle-apache-ld ... done
Starting isle-images-ld ... done
╭─markmcfate@MAD25W812UJ1G9 ~/GitHub/dg-isle ‹ruby-2.3.0› ‹master›
McFateM /
Last active July 22, 2020 18:40
Used in the Rootstalk project to sanitize filenames
import os
Renames the filenames within the same directory to be Unix friendly
(0) Removes "Volume V, Issue 1, "
(1) Makes lowercase (not a Unix requirement, just looks better ;)
(2) Changes spaces, colons, apostrophes, underscores and exclaimation points to hyphens
(3) Removes commas and semi-colons
(4) Replaces doubled hyphens and doubled periods with singles
(5) Replaces ".-" with "-" and "-." with "."
McFateM / gist:16bbddb184e7e24ded70d12999ff1be1
Created June 10, 2020 00:34
5" Raspberry Pi Display QuickStart - Driver Installation
sudo rm -rf LCD-show
git clone
chmod -R 755 LCD-show
cd LCD-show
sudo ./LCD5-show
Creating landing-page ... done
Creating traefik ... done
Attaching to traefik, landing-page
traefik | time="2020-05-19T11:20:32-04:00" level=info msg="Configuration loaded from file: /traefik.yml"
Dumping traefik.log...
time="2020-05-19T11:20:32-04:00" level=info msg="Traefik version 2.2.1 built on 2020-04-29T18:02:09Z"
time="2020-05-19T11:20:32-04:00" level=debug msg="Static configuration loaded {\"global\":{\"checkNewVersion\":true},\"serversTransport\":{\"maxIdleConnsPerHost\":200},\"entryPoints\":{\"http\":{\"address\":\":80\",\"transport\":{\"lifeCycle\":{\"graceTimeOut\":10000000000},\"respondingTimeouts\":{\"idleTimeout\":180000000000}},\"forwardedHeaders\":{},\"http\":{}},\"https\":{\"address\":\":443\",\"transport\":{\"lifeCycle\":{\"graceTimeOut\":10000000000},\"respondingTimeouts\":{\"idleTimeout\":180000000000}},\"forwardedHeaders\":{},\"http\":{}}},\"providers\":{\"providersThrottleDuration\":2000000000,\"docker\":{\"watch\"
McFateM / gist:bcc9bfcd79ba5f54d569cad4aaf30457
Created May 18, 2020 19:03
DGDocker3 Test 8 - DNS-01 Challenge with LE Production
Pulling traefik (traefik:2.2.1)...
2.2.1: Pulling from library/traefik
cbdbe7a5bc2a: Pull complete
f16506d32a25: Pull complete
2be216d464d0: Pull complete
aed51f08b610: Pull complete
Digest: sha256:ad4442a6f88cf35266542588f13ae9984aa058a55a518a87876e48c160d19ee0
Status: Downloaded newer image for traefik:2.2.1
Creating traefik ... done
McFateM / gist:b525152c822cdb3dd85d5214c06b1d8e
Last active May 18, 2020 18:55
DGDocker3 Test 7 - DNS-01 Challenge with LE Staging
Pulling traefik (traefik:2.2.1)...
2.2.1: Pulling from library/traefik
cbdbe7a5bc2a: Pull complete
f16506d32a25: Pull complete
2be216d464d0: Pull complete
aed51f08b610: Pull complete
Digest: sha256:ad4442a6f88cf35266542588f13ae9984aa058a55a518a87876e48c160d19ee0
Status: Downloaded newer image for traefik:2.2.1
Creating traefik ... done
McFateM / gist:d504088f8df79ebf28bb70eec03500d8
Created May 18, 2020 17:57
Static Test 6 Log - HTTP-01 Challenge with LE Production
Pulling traefik (traefik:2.2.1)...
2.2.1: Pulling from library/traefik
cbdbe7a5bc2a: Pull complete
f16506d32a25: Pull complete
2be216d464d0: Pull complete
aed51f08b610: Pull complete
Creating traefik ...
Pulling traefik (traefik:2.2.1)...
Creating traefik ... done
McFateM / gist:3f4bc94a6d1031debcf2dfbec305093b
Created May 18, 2020 17:06
Static Test 5 Log - DNS-01 Challenge with LE Staging
Pulling traefik (traefik:2.2.1)...
2.2.1: Pulling from library/traefik
cbdbe7a5bc2a: Pull complete
f16506d32a25: Pull complete
2be216d464d0: Pull complete
aed51f08b610: Pull complete
Creating traefik ...
Pulling traefik (traefik:2.2.1)...
Creating traefik ... done
McFateM / gist:4ad29fa0a30e2a3fc5ef3b4b566a031a
Last active May 18, 2020 17:06
Static Test 3 Log - DNS-01 Challenge with LE Production
root@static:/opt/containers# ./
Pulling traefik (traefik:2.2.1)...
2.2.1: Pulling from library/traefik
cbdbe7a5bc2a: Pull complete
f16506d32a25: Pull complete
2be216d464d0: Pull complete
aed51f08b610: Pull complete
Creating traefik ...
Pulling traefik (traefik:2.2.1)...
McFateM / acme.json
Created May 18, 2020 01:09
Example of acme.json w/ Valid Certs from HTTP-01 Challenge. Portions have been obfuscated.
"http": {
"Account": {
"Email": "[email protected]",
"Registration": {
"body": {
"status": "valid",
"contact": [
"mailto:[email protected]"