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Created May 18, 2020 01:09
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Example of acme.json w/ Valid Certs from HTTP-01 Challenge. Portions have been obfuscated.
"http": {
"Account": {
"Email": "[email protected]",
"Registration": {
"body": {
"status": "valid",
"contact": [
"mailto:[email protected]"
"uri": ""
"PrivateKey": "MIIJJw...Hg==",
"KeyType": "4096"
"Certificates": [
"domain": {
"main": ""
"certificate": "LS0tL...tLS0K",
"key": "LS0tLS1CRUdJTiB...0tLS0K",
"Store": "default"
"domain": {
"main": ""
"certificate": "LS0tLS...tLS0K",
"key": "LS0tLS...tLS0K",
"Store": "default"
"domain": {
"main": ""
"certificate": "LS0tL...LQo=",
"key": "LS0tLS1CR...tLS0K",
"Store": "default"
"domain": {
"main": ""
"certificate": "LS0tLS...S0tCg==",
"key": "LS0tLS...UgS0VZLS0tLS0K",
"Store": "default"
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