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prometheansacrifice ManasJayanth

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ManasJayanth /
Created October 22, 2024 09:52
Emacs Starter

Emacs Configuration

On Windows, when creating shortcuts, set $HOME in the properties (as Target)

C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe -windowstyle hidden -Command "$env:HOME = 'C:/Users/manas'; Start-Process 'C:\Program Files\Emacs\x86_64\bin\runemacs.exe'"

<2023-07-13 Thu 07:22> Update:

ManasJayanth / libgccjit.rb
Created April 29, 2021 18:04
libgccjit.rb for native-comp enabled Emacs on MacOS arm64
class Libgccjit < Formula
# This is a spin-off of the GCC formula and they should remain as close as possible.
desc "JIT library for the GNU compiler collection"
homepage ""
if Hardware::CPU.arch == :arm64
# Branch from the Darwin maintainer of GCC with Apple Silicon support,
# located at and
# backported with his help to gcc-10 branch. Too big for a patch.
url ""
sha256 "e22d39545e3ab50eb9cb14b4624fa08eb450f47c73e9e2d245ff96c1e99dca5c"
ManasJayanth /
Created May 24, 2020 11:21
Reason meetup #2

Algebraic Effects for Concurrency

Monads/Promises have been our go to tools for expressing concurrency.

However, they seem to divide up our language.

Context: How do we achieve concurrency?

ManasJayanth / esy.json
Last active May 29, 2020 04:41
Dune 2.3.1 on esy
"dependencies": {
"ocaml": "4.6.x",
"@opam/ocaml-lsp-server": "ocaml/ocaml-lsp:ocaml-lsp-server.opam"
"resolutions": {
"@opam/dune": {
"source": "",
"override": {
"buildsInSource": true,
#! /bin/bash
# If org name is reasonml then REST_BASE will be:
ManasJayanth / experimental-lsp-esy.el
Last active December 3, 2019 02:41
Esy with lsp-mode 🚧 Experimental
(defun load-esy-env ()
"Loads esy env"
(let* ((env-json-str (shell-command-to-string "esy command-env --json"))
(json-key-type 'string)
(env-pairs (json-read-from-string env-json-str)))
(make-local-variable 'process-environment)
ManasJayanth / esy-mode.el
Last active October 27, 2019 11:33
Esy mode
(defun load-esy-env ()
"Loads esy env"
(let* ((env-json-str (shell-command-to-string "esy command-env --json"))
(json-key-type 'string)
(env-pairs (json-read-from-string env-json-str)))
$ opam switch create 4.08.0+msvc64c -y --debug
00:00.008 GSTATE LOAD-GLOBAL-STATE @ C:\OCaml64\home\manas\.opam
00:00.010 RSTATE LOAD-REPOSITORY-STATE @ C:\OCaml64\home\manas\.opam
00:00.075 RSTATE Loaded C:\OCaml64\home\manas\.opam\repo\state.cache in 0.065s
00:00.109 RSTATE Cache found
00:00.125 SWACT create_empty_switch at 4.08.0+msvc64c
00:00.125 SYSTEM mkdir C:\OCaml64\home\manas\.opam\4.08.0+msvc64c
00:00.129 SYSTEM mkdir C:\OCaml64\home\manas\.opam\4.08.0+msvc64c\lib
00:00.129 SYSTEM mkdir C:\OCaml64\home\manas\.opam\4.08.0+msvc64c\lib\stublibs
00:00.129 SYSTEM mkdir C:\OCaml64\home\manas\.opam\4.08.0+msvc64c\lib\toplevel