Monads/Promises have been our go to tools for expressing concurrency.
However, they seem to divide up our language.
We constantly look for ways to execute a piece of code after a certain operation.
let url = "";
|> Js.Promise.then_( ... )
/* This point on, we are trapped in the world of
promises */
Monads also create the divide in the language.
Promises are, after all, monadics interfaces
They provide us with ability to define the semantics of elsewhere (handlers)
effect V : int
let rec sum_up () =
perform V
let () =
let v =
try sum_up () with
| effect V k ->
continue k 667
Printf.printf "Value received is %d\n" v
effect Conversion_failure : string -> int
let int_of_string l =
try int_of_string l with
| Failure _ -> perform (Conversion_failure l)
let rec sum_up acc =
let l = input_line stdin in
acc := !acc + int_of_string l;
sum_up acc
let _ =
let r = ref 0 in
try sum_up r with
| End_of_file -> Printf.printf "Sum is %d\n" !r
| effect (Conversion_failure s) k ->
Printf.fprintf stderr "Conversion failure \"%s\"\n%!" s;
continue k 0
- Computational effects/side effects/Purity
- Asynchronous programming
- Usefulness in writing schedulers (OCaml multicore, React team)
- Alternative control flow (think generators, async/await, coroutines, iterators)
Algebraic Effects for the rest of us
What goes into crafting a programming language with Effects?
Avoiding large monolithic runtimes by letting programs write their own schedulers
All major concurrency primitives convered - async/await, fibers, co-routines, continuations, delimited continuations and algebraic effects