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Last active May 20, 2024 16:51
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Elvish config
use platform
use runtime
use os
use re
use str
fn -on-windows {|cb|
if $platform:is-windows {
fn -get-path-sep {
if $platform:is-windows {
put '\'
} else {
put '/'
fn -rip-list-elems {|arr start|
if (>= (count $arr) $start) {
put $arr[$start..]
} else {
put [""]
fn -pwd-to-short {
var p = (tilde-abbr $pwd)
var s = (-get-path-sep)
var pa = [(str:split $s $p)]
var segs = []
var res = ""
if $platform:is-windows {
if (str:has-prefix $pwd '\\') {
set segs = (-rip-list-elems $pa 3)
set res = '\\'$pa[2]
} elif (re:match "^[A-Z]:.+" $pwd) {
set segs = (-rip-list-elems $pa 1)
set res = $pa[0]
} else {
set segs = $pa
set res = ""
for i [(range (count $segs))] {
var v = $segs[$i]
var vstr = ""
if (== (+ $i 1) (count $segs)) {
set vstr = $v
} elif (== (count $v) 0) {
set vstr = "" #nop
} else {
set vstr = $v[0]
set res = $res$s$vstr
if $platform:is-unix {
set res = $res[1..]
put $res
fn prompt-builder {
put (styled '['$platform:os'/'$platform:arch'] ' cyan)
var username = ""
if $platform:is-windows {
set username = $E:USERNAME
} else {
set username = (whoami)
put (styled $username 'fg-#00ff00')
put (styled "@" fg-white)
put (styled (hostname) fg-yellow)
put " "
put (styled (-pwd-to-short) fg-magenta)
put (styled '# ' fg-bright-red)
# TODO: Does not work.
fn alias {|name cmd|
edit:add-var $name"~" {|@argv| eval $cmd" "$@argv }
fn -shell-init {
# prompt
set edit:prompt = $prompt-builder~
set edit:rprompt = {|| }
# Windows
if $platform:is-windows {
# Map coreutils
if (has-external coreutils) {
var cmds = [(re:find "([[a-z0-9]*)," (echo (coreutils --help)) | each {|v| str:trim-right $v[text] "," })]
for cmd $cmds {
if (or (eq $cmd "echo") (eq $cmd "[")) { continue }
eval "edit:add-var "$cmd"~ {|@argv| coreutils "$cmd" $@argv }"
} else {
echo (styled "No coreutils! Install uutils.coreutils." red bold)
if (has-external duf) {
edit:add-var df~ (external duf)
} else {
echo (styled "No df replacement! Install duf." red bold)
# General goodies
if (has-external eza) {
edit:add-var ls~ {|@a| e:eza $@a }
edit:add-var ll~ {|@a| e:eza -l $@a }
} else {
-on-windows { echo (styled "No ls replacement! Install eza." red bold) }
if (has-external bat) {
edit:add-var cat~ {|@a| e:bat -pp --color=never $@a }
} else {
-on-windows { echo (styled "No cat replacement! Install bat." red bold) }
if (has-external zoxide) {
try {
eval (zoxide init elvish --cmd cd 2>/dev/null | slurp)
} catch e {
echo (styled "Zoxide maybe too old ("(echo $e)")." red bold)
} else {
-on-windows { echo (styled "No cd replacement! Install zoxide." red bold) }
# *fetch
for f [fastfetch neofetch] {
if (has-external $f) {
eval $f
if (not-eq $runtime:effective-rc-path $nil) {
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