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Last active March 27, 2024 07:24
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Save DmitrySoshnikov/924ceefb1784b30c5ca6 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
LL(1) Parser. Parsing table, part 1: First and Follow sets.
* LL(1) parser. Building parsing table, part 1: First and Follow sets.
* NOTICE: see full implementation in the Syntax tool, here:
* by Dmitry Soshnikov <[email protected]>
* MIT Style License
* An LL(1)-parser is a top-down, fast predictive non-recursive parser,
* which uses a state-machine parsing table instead of recursive calls
* to productions as in a recursive descent parser.
* We described the work of such a parser in:
* There we used manually pre-built parsing table. In this diff we implement
* an automatic solution for generating a parsing table, and consider the
* first part of it: building First and Follow sets.
* First and Follow sets are used to determine which next production to use
* if we have symbol `A` on the stack, and symbol `a` in the buffer.
* First sets:
* First sets are everything that stands in the first position in a derivation.
* If we have a production `A -> aB`, then the symbol `a` is in the first set
* of `A`, and whenever we have symbol `A` on the stack, and symbol `a` in
* the buffer, we should use `A -> aB` production. If instead we have a
* non-terminal on the right hand side, like e.g. in `A -> BC`, then in order
* to calculate first set of `A`, we should calculate first set of `BC`, and
* then merge it to `A`.
* Follow sets:
* Follow sets are used when a symbol can be `ε` ("empty" symbol known as
* epsilon). In a productions like: `A -> bXa`, if `X` can be `ε`, then it'll
* be eliminated, and we still will be able to derive `a` which follows `X`.
* So we say that `a` is in follow set of `X`.
* These are the basic rules. We'll cover all the details in the implementation
* below.
// Special "empty" symbol.
var EPSILON = "ε";
var firstSets = {};
var followSets = {};
* Rules for First Sets
* - If X is a terminal then First(X) is just X!
* - If there is a Production X → ε then add ε to first(X)
* - If there is a Production X → Y1Y2..Yk then add first(Y1Y2..Yk) to first(X)
* - First(Y1Y2..Yk) is either
* - First(Y1) (if First(Y1) doesn't contain ε)
* - OR (if First(Y1) does contain ε) then First (Y1Y2..Yk) is everything
* in First(Y1) <except for ε > as well as everything in First(Y2..Yk)
* - If First(Y1) First(Y2)..First(Yk) all contain ε then add ε
* to First(Y1Y2..Yk) as well.
function buildFirstSets(grammar) {
firstSets = {};
function firstOf(symbol) {
// A set may already be built from some previous analysis
// of a RHS, so check whether it's already there and don't rebuild.
if (firstSets[symbol]) {
return firstSets[symbol];
// Else init and calculate.
var first = firstSets[symbol] = {};
// If it's a terminal, its first set is just itself.
if (isTerminal(symbol)) {
first[symbol] = true;
return firstSets[symbol];
var productionsForSymbol = getProductionsForSymbol(symbol);
for (var k in productionsForSymbol) {
var production = getRHS(productionsForSymbol[k]);
for (var i = 0; i < production.length; i++) {
var productionSymbol = production[i];
// Epsilon goes to the first set.
if (productionSymbol === EPSILON) {
first[EPSILON] = true;
// Else, the first is a non-terminal,
// then first of it goes to first of our symbol
// (unless it's an epsilon).
var firstOfNonTerminal = firstOf(productionSymbol);
// If first non-terminal of the RHS production doesn't
// contain epsilon, then just merge its set with ours.
if (!firstOfNonTerminal[EPSILON]) {
merge(first, firstOfNonTerminal);
// Else (we got epsilon in the first non-terminal),
// - merge all except for epsilon
// - eliminate this non-terminal and advance to the next symbol
// (i.e. don't break this loop)
merge(first, firstOfNonTerminal, [EPSILON]);
// don't break, go to the next `productionSymbol`.
return first;
* We have the following data structure for our grammars:
* var grammar = {
* 1: 'S -> F',
* 2: 'S -> (S + F)',
* 3: 'F -> a',
* };
* Given symbol `S`, the function returns `S -> F`,
* and `S -> (S + F)` productions.
function getProductionsForSymbol(symbol) {
var productionsForSymbol = {};
for (var k in grammar) {
if (grammar[k][0] === symbol) {
productionsForSymbol[k] = grammar[k];
return productionsForSymbol;
* Given production `S -> F`, returns `S`.
function getLHS(production) {
return production.split('->')[0].replace(/\s+/g, '');
* Given production `S -> F`, returns `F`.
function getRHS(production) {
return production.split('->')[1].replace(/\s+/g, '');
* Rules for Follow Sets
* - First put $ (the end of input marker) in Follow(S) (S is the start symbol)
* - If there is a production A → aBb, (where a can be a whole string)
* then everything in FIRST(b) except for ε is placed in FOLLOW(B).
* - If there is a production A → aB, then everything in
* - If there is a production A → aBb, where FIRST(b) contains ε,
* then everything in FOLLOW(A) is in FOLLOW(B)
function buildFollowSets(grammar) {
followSets = {};
function followOf(symbol) {
// If was already calculated from some previous run.
if (followSets[symbol]) {
return followSets[symbol];
// Else init and calculate.
var follow = followSets[symbol] = {};
// Start symbol always contain `$` in its follow set.
if (symbol === START_SYMBOL) {
follow['$'] = true;
// We need to analyze all productions where our
// symbol is used (i.e. where it appears on RHS).
var productionsWithSymbol = getProductionsWithSymbol(symbol);
for (var k in productionsWithSymbol) {
var production = productionsWithSymbol[k];
var RHS = getRHS(production);
// Get the follow symbol of our symbol.
var symbolIndex = RHS.indexOf(symbol);
var followIndex = symbolIndex + 1;
// We need to get the following symbol, which can be `$` or
// may contain epsilon in its first set. If it contains epsilon, then
// we should take the next following symbol: `A -> aBCD`: if `C` (the
// follow of `B`) can be epsilon, we should consider first of `D` as well
// as the follow of `B`.
while (true) {
if (followIndex === RHS.length) { // "$"
var LHS = getLHS(production);
if (LHS !== symbol) { // To avoid cases like: B -> aB
merge(follow, followOf(LHS));
var followSymbol = RHS[followIndex];
// Follow of our symbol is anything in the first of the following symbol:
// followOf(symbol) is firstOf(followSymbol), except for epsilon.
var firstOfFollow = firstOf(followSymbol);
// If there is no epsilon, just merge.
if (!firstOfFollow[EPSILON]) {
merge(follow, firstOfFollow);
merge(follow, firstOfFollow, [EPSILON]);
return follow;
function buildSet(builder) {
for (var k in grammar) {
* Finds productions where a non-terminal is used. E.g., for the
* symbol `S` it finds production `(S + F)`, and for the symbol `F`
* it finds productions `F` and `(S + F)`.
function getProductionsWithSymbol(symbol) {
var productionsWithSymbol = {};
for (var k in grammar) {
var production = grammar[k];
var RHS = getRHS(production);
if (RHS.indexOf(symbol) !== -1) {
productionsWithSymbol[k] = production;
return productionsWithSymbol;
function isTerminal(symbol) {
return !/[A-Z]/.test(symbol);
function merge(to, from, exclude) {
exclude || (exclude = []);
for (var k in from) {
if (exclude.indexOf(k) === -1) {
to[k] = from[k];
function printGrammar(grammar) {
for (var k in grammar) {
console.log(' ', grammar[k]);
function printSet(name, set) {
console.log(name + ': \n');
for (var k in set) {
console.log(' ', k, ':', Object.keys(set[k]));
// Testing
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Example 1 of a simple grammar, generates: a, or (a + a), etc.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
var grammar = {
1: 'S -> F',
2: 'S -> (S + F)',
3: 'F -> a',
printSet('First sets', firstSets);
printSet('Follow sets', followSets);
// Results:
// Grammar:
// S -> F
// S -> (S + F)
// F -> a
// First sets:
// S : [ 'a', '(' ]
// F : [ 'a' ]
// a : [ 'a' ]
// ( : [ '(' ]
// Follow sets:
// S : [ '$', '+' ]
// F : [ '$', '+', ')' ]
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Example 2 of a "calculator" grammar (with removed left recursion, which
// is replaced with a right recursion and epsilons), it generates language
// for e.g. (a + a) * a.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
var grammar = {
1: 'E -> TX',
2: 'X -> +TX',
3: 'X -> ε',
4: 'T -> FY',
5: 'Y -> *FY',
6: 'Y -> ε',
7: 'F -> a',
8: 'F -> (E)',
printSet('First sets', firstSets);
printSet('Follow sets', followSets);
// Results:
// Grammar:
// E -> TX
// X -> +TX
// X -> ε
// T -> FY
// Y -> *FY
// Y -> ε
// F -> a
// F -> (E)
// First sets:
// E : [ 'a', '(' ]
// T : [ 'a', '(' ]
// F : [ 'a', '(' ]
// a : [ 'a' ]
// ( : [ '(' ]
// X : [ '+', 'ε' ]
// + : [ '+' ]
// Y : [ '*', 'ε' ]
// * : [ '*' ]
// Follow sets:
// E : [ '$', ')' ]
// X : [ '$', ')' ]
// T : [ '+', '$', ')' ]
// Y : [ '+', '$', ')' ]
// F : [ '*', '+', '$', ')' ]
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So I think the solution is to split the follow algorithm into to parts. First only merge in the first sets and build the graph for the follow relation and then in a second pass propagate the follow sets. I tested this here:

This solves the problem for all circular cases like:

grammar = [
    'E -> aT',
    'E -> ε',
    'T -> bE',
    'T -> ε',
    'S -> Ec'

which generates now:

FOLLOW(E) = ['c']
FOLLOW(T) = ['c']
FOLLOW(S) = ['$']

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vfgkd commented Feb 23, 2023

I am wondering how the recursion in FirstOf terminates in case of the following LR grammar?
S-> A B C
A -> a
B -> B b C
B -> #
C -> c A

When trying to find the FIRST for B, the non-terminal B is again encountered on the RHS and therefore the recursive call will not terminate, I think.
Am I overlooking something?

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