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Created February 16, 2017 01:22
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# AutoPositionerApp for Kyle Woodsworth
# Name: Aaron Bell
# Collaborators: None
# Time Spent: 6:00
print("Hi, I'm!!")
import sqlite3
def open_connection():
global conn
global c
conn = sqlite3.connect('mydb.db')
c= conn.cursor()
def close_connection():
def create_table(table1, table2=None, table3=None):
print('create_table() was called')
c.execute('CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS ' + table1 + '(machineID TEXT, modelID TEXT, machine_status INTEGER)')
if table2 is not None:
c.execute('CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS ' + table2 + '(modelID TEXT, positionNum INTEGER)')
if table3 is not None:
c.execute('CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS ' + table3 + '(teammate TEXT, modelID TEXT, positionNum INTEGER)')
print('create_table() finished')
def alter_table(table_name=None, column_name=None, column_type=None, default_value=None):
c.execute("ALTER TABLE {tn} ADD COLUMN '{cn}' {ct} DEFAULT '{df}'"\
.format(tn=table_name, cn=column_name, ct=column_type, df=default_value))
''' Example use:
alter_table('modelID_positionnum', 'teammates', 'TEXT', 'needs_positioning') '''
def insert_data(tb=None, col1=None, data1=None, col2=None, data2=None, col3=None, data3=None, col4=None, data4=None, col5=None, data5=None):
print('insert_data() was called')
if tb == None: pass
elif col1 is None: pass
elif col1 is not None or data1 is not None:
if col2 is not None or data2 is not None:
if col3 is not None or data3 is not None:
if col4 is not None or data4 is not None:
if col5 is not None or data5 is not None:
c.execute('INSERT INTO ' + tb + '(' + col1 + ', ' + col2 + ', ' + col3 + ', ' + col4 + ', ' + col5 + ') VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?, ?)', (data1, data2, data3, data4, data5))
c.execute('INSERT INTO ' + tb + '(' + col1 + ', ' + col2 + ', ' + col3 + ', ' + col4 + ') VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?)', (data1, data2, data3, data4))
c.execute('INSERT INTO ' + tb + '(' + col1 + ', ' + col2 + ', ' + col3 + ') VALUES(?, ?, ?)', (data1, data2, data3))
c.execute('INSERT INTO ' + tb + '(' + col1 + ', ' + col2 + ') VALUES(?, ?)', (data1, data2))
c.execute('INSERT INTO ' + tb + '(' + col1 + ') VALUES(?)', (data1,))
print('insert_data() finished')
'''Example use:
insert_data('machineID_modelID_status', 'machineID', 'test', 'modelID', 'test')'''
def get_data(table_name=None, specific_data=False, column_name=None, model=None,
if specific_data == 'column':
c.execute('SELECT {cn} FROM {tn} ORDER BY {cn}'.\
format(tn=table_name, cn=column_name))
elif model is not None:
c.execute('SELECT * FROM {tn} WHERE {cn}="{mo}" ORDER BY {ob} '.\
format(tn=table_name, cn=column_name, mo=model, ob=order_by_column))
elif order_by_column is not None:
c.execute('SELECT * FROM {tn} ORDER BY {ob} DESC'.\
format(tn=table_name, ob=order_by_column))
c.execute('SELECT * FROM {tn}'.format(tn=table_name))
return c.fetchall()
def prepopulate_teammate_table():
c.execute('SELECT * FROM modelID_positionnum')
current_positions = c.fetchall()
tm_name = input("Please enter the teammates's full name: ")
if tm_name:
for row in current_positions:
insert_data('teammate_modelID_positionnum', 'teammate', tm_name, 'modelID', row[0], 'positionNum', row[1], 'available', 'Yes', 'restricted', 'No')
print(row[0], row[1])
if input("Would you like to add another person?"):
def position_people():
# Get a list of all the available people
current_model = "CSEG"
current_position = 1
c.execute('SELECT teammate FROM teammate_modelID_positionnum WHERE modelID=? AND positionNum=?', (current_model, str(current_position)))
available_people = c.fetchall
# # Compare the training of each person with the list
# c.execute('SELECT * FROM teammate_modelID_positionnum WHERE modelID=current_position)
# if current_person in c.fetchall:
# current_position_list += current_person
def list_positions():
c.execute("SELECT * FROM machineID_modelID_status WHERE machine_status='Up'")
# Finally getting comfortable
# Generate a list based on models of machines that are up.
up_machines = c.fetchall()
global positions
positions = []
for machine in up_machines:
c.execute("SELECT * FROM modelID_positionnum WHERE modelID=?", (machine[1],))
# Where I learned to use a '?..., (tuple,)' format instead of Python vars:
# Where I learned to make the last part a tuple, not just a single item:
#print("The positions are: " + str(positions))
# Positions done!
def update_database():
c.execute('UPDATE teammate_modelID_positionnum SET available="No" WHERE teammate="Louis"')
# Where I learned this command:
def get_number_of_people_trained_on_each_position():
c.execute('SELECT * FROM teammate_modelID_positionnum')
global available_people
available_people = list(set([x[0] for x in c.fetchall() if x[3] != 'No']))
global number_trained_in_position
number_trained_in_position = []
# Where I learned to use list comprehensions properly (i.e. list only things of a certain value, that the first part is what's usually below it.):
# Where I learned to create sets from list comprehensions:
# print('The people currently available are: ' + str(available_people))
# print(positions)
for each in positions:
# print('The current positions handled are: ' + str(each))
for each in each:
# print('The single current position handled is: ' + str(each))
c.execute('SELECT * FROM teammate_modelID_positionnum WHERE modelID=? AND positionNum=? AND available="Yes"', (each[0], each[1]) )
number_trained_in_position.append((each, len(c.fetchall())))
# for each in c.fetchall():
# print(each)
from operator import itemgetter
number_trained_in_position = sorted(number_trained_in_position, key=itemgetter(1))
# Where I learned to sort lists:
return number_trained_in_position
def assign_people_to_positions():
''' Every time I* do a print, do a \n\n + the thing + \n\n + a few lines of what I was trying to do, followed by another \n\n'''
import random
# Untaken pool
taken = []
current_position_pool = []
position_chart = []
positions_to_post_on_screen = [] # Should be a list of tuples, (name, position)
positions_of_all_current_models = [each[0] for each in number_trained_in_position]
print('\n\nThe positions are: ' + str(positions_of_all_current_models) + '\n\n^ ^ : Trying to see what the list of positions I*m working with are like\n\n')
for each in positions_of_all_current_models:
# Untaken people trained in current position pool
c.execute('SELECT teammate FROM teammate_modelID_positionnum WHERE modelID=? AND positionNum=?', (each[0], each[1]))
current_position = each
#print('\n\nThe pre-for current_position_pool is: ' + str(current_position_pool) + '\n\n^ ^ : Trying to see the effect the upcoming for loop has on my current_position_pool\n\n')
#print('\n\nThe position_chart is: ' + str(position_chart) + '\n\n^ ^ : Trying to see how the position_chart updates with each consecutive loop\n\n')
''' Create a non-tupled list of people for the pool'''
current_position_pool = []
for each in c.fetchall():
#print(each[0] + ' is trained on ' + str(current_position[0]) + str(current_position[1]))
current_position_pool = [x for x in current_position_pool if x not in taken]
#print('\n\nCPP: ' + str(current_position_pool) + '\n\n^ ^ : Trying to see how the current_position_pool looks after the for-loop detuplified it.\n\n')
#print('\n\nTaken: ' + str(taken) + '\n\n^ ^ : Trying to see how the taken list updates over time, and with what type of data.')
#print('\n\nLC: ' + str([x for x in current_position_pool if x not in taken]) + '\n\n^ ^ : See the effect of the list comprehension I* was trying to work with\n\n')
# Randomly select one person from the untaken pool
random_select_from_untaken_current_position_pool = random.choice(current_position_pool)
#print('\n\nMy random belongs to...: ' + random_select_from_untaken_current_position_pool + '!\n\n^ ^ : See if my random choice worked well\n\n')
# Where I learned to pick a random item from a list:
# Place this person on the position chart
# print('\n\nCurrent Position + Random Select: ' + str(current_position) + ' + ' + str(random_select_from_untaken_current_position_pool) + '\n\n^ ^ : Trying to see what values are coming in for each.\n\n')
my_sexy_tuple = (current_position, random_select_from_untaken_current_position_pool)
# print(str(my_sexy_tuple))
untaken = current_position_pool
#print('\n\nThe position chart so far: ' + str(position_chart) + '\n\n^ ^ : Trying to see I* want to return to my main code.\n\n')
# Delete Untaken people trained in current position pool
'''Done with a list compo'''
# Remove the person positioned from the untaken pool
'''Done with a list compo'''
# Repeat until there are no more positions left
'''Done with the original for loop'''
# Keep "the untaken" (haha, good movie title) in its own list
# Choose randomly from every untaken person available and trained in it
# Remove this person from the untaken pool
return position_chart
# How I learned to return from functions properly:
create_table('machineID_modelID_status', 'modelID_positionnum', 'teammate_modelID_positionnum')
# Python's guide that will probably help me learn fetchone and executemany:
# Best SQLite3 guide to-date:
# On listing tables:
# AutoPositionerApp for Kyle Woodsworth
# Name: Aaron Bell
# Collaborators: None
# Time Spent: 35:00
import apa_database
import inspect
from import App
from kivy.uix.boxlayout import BoxLayout
from import ObjectProperty, StringProperty, Property
from kivy.uix.screenmanager import ScreenManager, Screen#, FadeTransition
from kivy.uix.dropdown import DropDown
from kivy.uix.button import Button
# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
# Screens
# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
class ScreenManagement(ScreenManager):
# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
# Positioner Screen
# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
class PositionerScreen(Screen):
class PositionerLayout(BoxLayout):
def __init__(self, **kwargs): # Don't know **kwargs
super(PositionerLayout, self).__init__(**kwargs)
# What I WANT
# for active_machine in all_active_machines:
# check if the machine's up
# give the user the option to disable it or activate it, which will affect how the program positions people--or whether they position people at that machine
# check the model_in_the_machine
# give the user the option to change which model is used in the machine, which will affect how the program positions people--or whether they position people at that machine--because it changes the training and restriction requirements for that machine
# check the positions required for the model_in_the_machine, for proper display of buttons--and accurate positioning.
# people correctly positioned--according to their training and restrictions and availability--at each machine, in a randomized way.
# for each_machines in machine_list:
# # separated, is because deactivated machines still need to be displayed
# self.add_widget(MmpModule())
# current_module_machine_name = machine_list[num_machine]
# current_module_model_name = current model, with a dropdown_list_of_models bound to it
# a of positions to its left-- updated with people to fill the position (list_view_thing = ready_to_be_updated)
machine_list = libs.apa_database.get_data('machineID_modelID_status', order_by_column='machineID')
model_list = set([x[0] for x in libs.apa_database.get_data('modelID_positionnum', order_by_column='modelID')]) # set does not contain duplicate values, and I don't think it orders it... don't know how to test that, yet...
#print('model_list is: ' + str(model_list))
global position_chart # so that this variable is available for other functions (Because I don't know how to return data from this and give it to other classes, methods in other classes, because I don't know where Kivy stores implicit instances of these classes.)
position_chart = libs.apa_database.assign_people_to_positions()
# Not sure if it generates based on the machine list, or models currently used (i.e. not sure if it'll handle duplicates.)
dropdown = []
mmpm = []
for each_machine in range(0, len(machine_list)):
dropdown.append(DropDown()) # Because if I use a single DropDown instance, it'll either change every model_button, or only change one.
print('Dropdown ID: ' + str(id(dropdown[each_machine])))
for model in model_list:
btn = Button(text='{}'.format(model), size_hint_y=None, height=44)
btn.bind( )
mmpm[each_machine].ids.machine_button.text = 'Wow: {}'.format(machine_list[each_machine][0])
mmpm[each_machine].ids.model_button.text = 'Wow: {}'.format(machine_list[each_machine][1])
# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
dropdown[each_machine].bind(on_select=lambda instance, x: setattr(mmpm[each_machine].ids.model_button, 'text', x)) # lambda - get through Unit 1
# Needs to pick each item apart and analyze it for its model name.
# Should move onto the item immediately if the item doesn't have the model
for each in position_chart:
if each[0][0] == machine_list[each_machine][1]:
if each[0][1] == 3:
mmpm[each_machine].ids.position3.text = 'Wow: {}'.format(each[1])
elif each[0][1] == 2:
mmpm[each_machine].ids.position2.text = 'Wow: {}'.format(each[1])
mmpm[each_machine].ids.position1.text = 'Wow: {}'.format(each[1])
#print('\n\nThe LC result: ' + str([x for x in position_chart if (machine_list[i][1] in position_chart]) + '\n\n^ ^ : Trying to get the values with only the current model.\n\n')
#print('\n\nID Keys: ' + str(self.ids.keys()) + '\n\n^ ^ : Trying to get the values of ids.\n\n')
mymodel = mmpm[each_machine].ids.machine_button.text
# need to get a person in each position
def position_people(self):
# Get a list of all the available people
# c.execute('SELECT teammate FROM teammate_modelID_positionnum WHERE modelID=current_model AND positionNum=current_position')
# available_people = c.fetchall
# print(available_people)
# # Compare the training of each person with the list
# c.execute('SELECT * FROM teammate_modelID_positionnum WHERE modelID=current_position)
# if current_person in c.fetchall:
# current_position_list += current_person
def prioritize_position_by_training(self):
# For each position, get the # of rows where people are trained in this position
class MmpModule(BoxLayout):
machine_name = StringProperty()
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
super(MmpModule, self).__init__(**kwargs)
self.machine_name = 'I-34'
self.model_name = 'CSEG'
# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
# Add Teammates Screen
# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
class AddTeammatesScreen(Screen):
class IsSheTrained(BoxLayout):
class AddTeammatesLayout(BoxLayout):
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
global teammate_name
teammate_name = ''
super(AddTeammatesLayout, self).__init__(**kwargs)
global lsm
lsm = [] # Label-Switch Module
for i in range(0, len(position_chart)):
lsm[i].ids.position_label.text = 'Wow: {}'.format(position_chart[i][0][0])
# Needs to pick each item apart and analyze it for its model name.
# Should move onto the item immediately if the item doesn't have the model
def record_that_shit(self):
teammate_name = self.ids.teammate_name.text
print('\n\nThe TextInput result: ' + teammate_name + '\n\n^ ^ : Trying to get the result of whether the TI*s text is registering\n\n')
for each in range(0, len(lsm)):
if lsm[each]
#print('\n\nfor each positionNum: ' + str(position_chart[each][0][1]) + '\n\n^ ^ : Trying to see what position_chart[each][1][0] is bringing me.\n\n')
#Add an entry to teammate_modelID_positionnum
libs.apa_database.insert_data(tb='teammate_modelID_positionnum', col1='teammate', \
data1=teammate_name, col2='modelID', data2=position_chart[each][0][0], \
col3='positionNum', data3=position_chart[each][0][1], col4='available', \
data4='Yes', col5='restricted', data5='No')
# Do db shit
App.get_running_app().root.current = 'Victory'
# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
# Added Teammates Successfully Screen
# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
class AddedTeammatesSuccessfullyScreen(Screen):
class AddedTeammatesSuccessfullyLayout(BoxLayout):
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
print('Teammate text = ' + teammate_name)
#print('\n\ntriggertool result: ' + triggertool + '\n\n^ ^ : Trying to get triggertool to go off\n\n')
super(AddedTeammatesSuccessfullyLayout, self).__init__(**kwargs)
self.victory_text = "You've added {} to your team!".format(teammate_name)
#### #### #### #### #### #### #### #### #### #### #### #### #### #### #### ####
#### #### #### #### #### #### #### #### #### #### #### #### #### #### #### ####
# How do I get this to fire after AddTeammatesLayout().record_that_shit() runs?
def trigger_text(self):
self.victory_text = "You've added {} to your team!".format(teammate_name)
#### #### #### #### #### #### #### #### #### #### #### #### #### #### #### ####
#### #### #### #### #### #### #### #### #### #### #### #### #### #### #### ####
# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
# Add Model Screen
# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
# If a machine is tapped, have the option to select what model is there
# Have an entirely new screen for managing models
# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
# Added Machine Successfully Screen
# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
# Add Machine Screen
# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
# Added Machine Successfully Screen
# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
# Add Machine Screen
# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
# Added Machine Successfully Screen
# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
# "Boilerplate" (?)
# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
class AutopositionerApp(App):
def build(self):
if __name__ == '__main__':
# AutoPositionerApp for Kyle Woodsworth
# Name: Aaron Bell
# Collaborators: None
# Time Spent: 3:00
# File name:
# #: import ListAdapter kivy.adapters.listadapter.ListAdapter
# #: import ListItemButton kivy.uix.listview.ListItemButton
#transition: FadeTransition()
# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
# Positioner Screen
# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
name: 'PositionerScreen'
orientation: 'vertical'
on_release: app.root.current = 'AddTeammatesScreen'
text: 'Add Teammates!'
font_size: '30dp'
source: 'data/cat.jpg'
size_hint: 1,1
orientation: 'vertical'
id: mmpm1
BoxLayout: # This should probably be in Root
id: bl_super
height: '90dp'
size_hint_y: None
padding: 10, 10
orientation: 'vertical'
id: position1
id: position2
id: position3
id: bl2
orientation: 'vertical'
id: machine_button
id: model_button
# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
# Add Teammates Screen
# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
name: 'AddTeammatesScreen'
orientation: 'vertical'
padding: 20
id: teammate_name
on_release: app.root.current = 'PositionerScreen'
text: 'Position Em!'
font_size: '30dp'
on_release: root.record_that_shit()
text: 'Record That Shit!'
font_size: '30dp'
source: 'data/cat.jpg'
id: position_label
text: '[Position Name]'
id: position_training_switch
# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
# Added Teammates Successfully Screen
# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
name: 'Victory'
id: added_teammate
id: display_label
text: root.victory_text
on_release: app.root.current = 'PositionerScreen'
text: 'Position Em!'
font_size: '30dp'
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