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Created February 16, 2017 04:06
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This is sort of like what I*'m trying to do.
# # Tic Tac Toe
square = ['*']
board = []
class row():
row = square * 3
test = row()
def display_board():
for i in range(3):
board.append(row()) # The DropDown takes the place of row()
board[1].row[0] = 'X' # The DropDown, when selected, needs to change a specific row.
return board
for each in display_board():
print(each.row) # The DropDown needs to affect the exact row it's over--based on the index.
# This code doesn't work, which is a good example of what's going on with my code. I tried to get an X on the 2nd row, 1st column.
# But, the entire first column contains 'X's'
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