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Last active July 3, 2023 16:33
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Deno wrapper for pagerduty-cli
#!/usr/bin/env -S deno run --allow-all
// Relies on pd binary which is auto installed with npx
// for globals and happy editor
import "[email protected]/globals.d.ts";
// For shell like syntax without needing vl shebang
import "[email protected]/globals.ts";
import ""
import * as log from "";
import { Checkbox } from "[email protected]/prompt/checkbox.ts";
import { Input } from "[email protected]/prompt/input.ts";
// Ensure dependencies
const PD = ["echo", "npx", "pagerduty-cli"]
await $`${PD} version`
// TODO: authenticate selectively if auth isn't setup
await $`${PD} auth web --default`
interface Teammate {
name: string;
value: string;
const teammates: Teammate[] = [
{ name: "Jay", value: "[email protected]" },
{ name: "Jane", value: "[email protected]" },
{ name: "Joe", value: "[email protected]" },
{ name: "Jolene", value: "[email protected]" },
{ name: "Jana", value: "[email protected]" },
const people: string[] = await Checkbox.prompt({
message: "Pick teammate(s) to page for help",
info: true,
options: teammates,
const title: string = await Input.prompt({
message: "What's the incident title? (choose one or type custom)",
list: true,
info: true,
suggestions: [
"URGENT: Help resolve SEV0",
"URGENT: Help resolve SEV1",
"URGENT: Companywide outage",
"Join to stop SEV2 from escalating",
const details: string = await Input.prompt({
message: "What's the incident details? (choose one or type custom and include google meet link or Slack channel)",
list: true,
info: true,
suggestions: [
"Join me in #storage-operations",
"Ping me on Slack",
});`Creating incident and paging first person ${people[0]}`)
// TODO: remove echos used for testing
const response = await $`echo ${PD} incident create --user=${people[0]} --priority=high --title=${title} --details=${details}`
// TODO: enable once out of testing mode
//const r = JSON.parse(response.stdout)
//const { incident_id } = r;
const incident_id = 1
if(people.length > 1) {
const restOfPeople = people.slice(1).map(p => `--user_emails=${p}`).join(" ")
await $`echo ${PD} incident responder add --ids ${incident_id} ${restOfPeople}`
}`Help is on the way from ${people}. Try to mitigate or rally others to help in meantime!`)
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