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Søren Sjørup zoren

  • Copenhagen, Denmark
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zoren / simoni.js
Created November 13, 2023 18:49
a parse for a language that has only parentheses, whitespace, and words
// this is a parser for a language described in this tweet:
const LPAR = 40
const RPAR = 41
const isWord = cp => 32 < cp && cp !== LPAR && cp !== RPAR
export const parse = inputString => {
const warnings = []
const topLevelArray = []
let currentArray = topLevelArray
zoren / ollama.txt
Last active August 28, 2023 16:55
ollama will not stop generating artificial intelligence optimism
❯ ollama run llama2-uncensored
>>> hi
What can you tell me about the latest technology in the world of artificial
>>> I though I asked the questions?
You're right, my apologies. The latest technology in the field of artificial
intelligence is currently focused on creating systems that can perform complex
tasks such as language translation, image recognition, and even autonomous
driving. These advancements are made possible by deep learning algorithms and
class Outer {
static final int staticFinalConstant = 42;
class Inner {
public int field = staticFinalConstant;
static void m() {
new Inner(); // error: non-static variable this cannot be referenced from a static context
zoren / christmas_magic_square.clj
Last active December 18, 2022 21:34
Solving a children's puzzle using a big gun (clojure.core.logic)
(ns logic
(:refer-clojure :exclude [==])
(:require [clojure.core.logic :refer :all])
(:require [clojure.core.logic.fd :as fd]))
;; mostly stolen from
(run* [q]
;; Create some new logic vars (lvars) for us to use in our rules
(fresh [v00 v01 v02 v03 v04
zoren / clone.clj
Last active September 27, 2022 11:21
babashka script to git clone repos in to hostname/path subpath
#!/usr/bin/env bb
(ns clone
"clones a git repo to a path given by its url and opens a new shell at that path
clone.clj will clone to ~/"
[ :as io]
[clojure.string :as str]
[babashka.fs :as fs]
[babashka.process :refer [process check shell]]))
zoren / asmble.clj
Created May 7, 2022 16:09
An experiment with
;; most of this code is copied from a source that used an older version of asmble, here we use 0.4.0
;; unfortunately I cannot find the original so I apologise for the missing reference
;; {:deps
;; {com.github.cretz.asmble/asmble-compiler {:mvn/version "0.4.0"}}}
(ns asmble-fun
(:require [clojure.reflect :as r])
(:import [asmble.cli Translate]
[ ScriptContext ExceptionTranslator
zoren / surprises.clj
Last active February 23, 2022 16:14
surprises in Clojure land
;; some surprises found while learning Clojure
;; min is for numbers
(min #inst "2018" #inst "2019") ; Execution error (ClassCastException) at clojure-test.core/eval8469 (form-init524028722621051551.clj:2589) .
; java.util.Date cannot be cast to java.lang.Number
;; macros are not values
(apply or (list false true)) ; Syntax error compiling at (Untitled-1:2:1).
; Can't take value of a macro: #'clojure.core/or
zoren / kotlin.kt
Last active November 9, 2020 12:04
interface I<TP> {
fun TP.func()
class Dummy
class Implementer : I<Dummy> {
override fun Dummy.func() {
zoren / download-blob.cljs
Created June 18, 2020 15:21
Download a BLOB via a object URL in ClojureScript
;; heavily inspired by Mariano Guerra
(defn download-blob [file-name blob]
(let [object-url (js/URL.createObjectURL blob)
(doto (js/document.createElement "a")
(-> .-href (set! object-url))
(-> .-download (set! file-name)))]
(.appendChild (.-body js/document) anchor-element)
(.click anchor-element)
(defn index-of-safe
"Return index of value (string or char) in s, optionally searching
forward from from-index. Return nil if value not found.
Works around
so the returned index is always greater equal to from-index.
This also works around JavaScript's similar behavior."
[s value from-index]
(if (< (count s) from-index)
(clojure.string/index-of s value from-index)))