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Created May 5, 2020 22:47
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SecureDrop 1.3.0 QA - script to test orphaned reply API response
# Script adapted from @rmol's, to test SecureDrop API behaviour with orphaned replies
# 1) copy the file to your Admin workstation
# 2) fill in the address and admin account values for your instance
# 3) activate the securedrop admin venv with the command `source ~/Persistent/securedrop/admin/.venv3/bin/activate`
# 4) install the script dependencies with `torify pip install pyotp requests`
# 4) run the script with `python3
# 5) note times for first and subsequent get_all_sources call
import time
import pyotp
import requests
ADMIN_PWD="manifesto ember snowsuit bullring cinema abacus dumping"
def api_url(path):
return "http://{}{}".format(JI_ADDRESS, path)
def get_first_source(headers):
response = requests.get(api_url("/api/v1/sources"), headers=headers)
first_source = response.json()["sources"][0]
# print(first_source)
return first_source
def get_source_replies(source, headers):
response = requests.get(api_url(source["replies_url"]), headers=headers)
return response.json()
if __name__ == "__main__":
token_data = {
"username": ADMIN_USER,
"passphrase": ADMIN_PWD,
"one_time_code": pyotp.TOTP(ADMIN_SECRET).now(),
token_response ="/api/v1/token"), json=token_data).json()
headers = {
"Authorization": "Token {}".format(token_response["token"])
fs = get_first_source(headers)
print("source {} found".format(fs["journalist_designation"]))
print("reply url: {}".format(fs["replies_url"]))
replies = get_source_replies(fs, headers)
print("{:d} replies found for {}".format(len(replies['replies']), fs["journalist_designation"]))
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