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Created April 21, 2017 01:05
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Naїve Command Write-Ahead Log implementation
open Unix
open Printf
exception EOF
exception WriteError
module BE = EndianString.BigEndian
module M = Map.Make(struct type t = int let compare = compare end)
type entry = Todo of (int * string) | Done of int
type t = {
fn : string; (* file name *)
fd : file_descr option;
id : int; (* last stored string id *)
em : string M.t;
let get_fd fn = openfile fn [O_CREAT; O_APPEND; O_RDWR; O_SYNC; O_DSYNC] 0o600
let rec read_func fd buf off len =
let res = fd buf off len in
match res with
| 0 -> raise EOF
| -1 -> exit 1
| i when i = len -> ()
| i when i < len -> read_func fd buf (off + i) (len - i)
| i when i < -1 ->
let s =
"read_func readed negative number of bytes: %d\n%!" i in
raise (Failure s)
| _ ->
let s =
"read_func readed more, than requested: res = %d, off = %d, len = %d\n%!"
res off len
in raise (Failure s)
let read_entry fd buf =
read_func fd buf 0 5;
let id = Int32.to_int @@ BE.get_int32 buf 0
and todo = 0 = BE.get_int8 buf 4 in
if todo then begin
read_func fd buf 0 4;
let len = Int32.to_int @@ BE.get_int32 buf 0 in
let str = Bytes.create len in
read_func fd str 0 len;
Todo (id,str)
end else Done id
let rec read_file ?(buf = Bytes.create 10) ?(res = []) fd =
let e = read_entry fd buf in
read_file ~buf ~res:(e :: res) fd
with EOF -> res
let write_entry fd = function
| Todo (id, str) ->
let len = Bytes.length str in
let buf = Bytes.create 9 in
BE.set_int32 buf 0 @@ Int32.of_int id;
BE.set_int8 buf 4 0; (* XXX TODO value = 0 *)
BE.set_int32 buf 5 @@ Int32.of_int len;
let cnt = write fd buf 0 9 in
if (len + 9) <> (cnt + write fd str 0 len)
then raise WriteError
else ()
| Done id ->
let buf = Bytes.create 5 in
BE.set_int32 buf 0 @@ Int32.of_int id;
BE.set_int8 buf 4 1; (* XXX: DONE value = 1 *)
if 5 <> write fd buf 0 5
then raise WriteError
else ()
let init fn =
let fd = get_fd fn in
let em = List.fold_left
(fun m e ->
match e with
| Todo (i,s) -> M.add i s m
| Done i -> try M.remove i m with _ -> m
) M.empty @@ read_file fd in
let fd,id =
if M.is_empty em then begin
close fd;
unlink fn;
end else begin
let id,_ = M.max_binding em in
Some fd,(id+1)
{ fn; fd; id; em }
let todo t s =
let fd = match t.fd with
| Some fd -> fd
| None -> get_fd t.fn
let t = { t with fd = Some fd } in
let id = in
let e = Todo (id,s) in
let _ = write_entry fd e
and em = M.add id s t.em in
{ t with em; id = + 1 }, id
let finished t id =
let e = Done id in
let fd =
match t.fd with
| Some fd -> fd
| None -> get_fd t.fn
write_entry fd e;
let em = M.remove id t.em in
let fd,id =
if M.is_empty em then begin
close fd;
unlink t.fn;
end else begin
let id,_ = M.max_binding em in
Some fd,(id+1)
{ t with id; fd; em }
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