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Created February 2, 2016 13:20
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Socket server over select with requests count and history
open Unix
open Printf
module SM = Map.Make(struct type t = Unix.file_descr let compare = compare end)
type context = {
buf : string;
smap : socket_context SM.t;
count : int;
history : string list;
and socket_context = Server | Connection
let string_of_addr = function
| ADDR_UNIX s -> s
| ADDR_INET (a,p) -> sprintf "%s:%d" (string_of_inet_addr a) p
let start_port = int_of_string Sys.argv.(1)
let num_ports = int_of_string Sys.argv.(2)
let ports =
let arr = Array.make num_ports 0 in
for i = 0 to num_ports - 1 do
arr.(i) <- start_port + i
Array.to_list arr
let sock_of_port lst p =
let srv_sock = socket PF_INET SOCK_STREAM 0
and srv_addr = ADDR_INET (inet_addr_any, p) in
setsockopt srv_sock SO_REUSEADDR true;
bind srv_sock srv_addr;
listen srv_sock 25;
srv_sock :: lst
| Unix_error (err, fn, _) when err = EADDRINUSE ->
printf "Порт зайнятий: %d\n%!" p;
| Unix_error (err, fn, _) when err = EMFILE -> lst
let handle ctx sock =
match SM.find sock ctx.smap with
| Server ->
let new_sock,addr = accept sock in
printf "Connected from %s\n%!" (string_of_addr addr);
let smap = SM.add new_sock Connection ctx.smap in
{ ctx with smap = smap }
| Connection ->
let received = recv sock ctx.buf 0 (Bytes.length ctx.buf) [] in
if received > 0 then begin
let s = String.sub ctx.buf 0 received in
printf "Запит %d, Отримано %d байт: %s\n%!" ctx.count received s;
if s = "dump" then begin printf "%s%!" (String.concat "\n" ctx.history) end;
{ ctx with count = ctx.count + 1; history = s :: ctx.history }
end else begin
close sock;
let smap = SM.remove sock ctx.smap in
{ctx with smap = smap}
let rec loop ctx =
let socks,_ = List.split (SM.bindings ctx.smap) in
let (readsocks, _, _) = select socks [] [] 0.5 in
let ctx = List.fold_left handle ctx readsocks in
loop ctx
let _ =
let srvsocks =
let l = List.fold_left sock_of_port [] ports in
printf "Кількість серверних сокетів: %d\n%!" (List.length l);
let res = if List.length l < num_ports
then begin close (List.hd l); l end
else l
in res in
let init = {
buf = Bytes.create 65536;
smap = List.fold_left
(fun m s -> SM.add s Server m)
SM.empty srvsocks;
count = 0;
history = []
} in
loop init
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