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Last active November 8, 2024 11:07
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downloading images from flickr using python-flickr
# First, you should install flickrapi
# pip install flickrapi
import flickrapi
import urllib
from PIL import Image
# Flickr api access key
flickr=flickrapi.FlickrAPI('c6a2c45591d4973ff525042472446ca2', '202ffe6f387ce29b', cache=True)
keyword = 'siberian husky'
photos = flickr.walk(text=keyword,
per_page=100, # may be you can try different numbers..
urls = []
for i, photo in enumerate(photos):
print (i)
url = photo.get('url_c')
# get 50 urls
if i > 50:
print (urls)
# Download image from the url and save it to '00001.jpg'
urllib.urlretrieve(urls[1], '00001.jpg')
# Resize the image and overwrite it
image ='00001.jpg')
image = image.resize((256, 256), Image.ANTIALIAS)'00001.jpg')
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cool stuff . . . how would I possible download photos fom an album ( a set in flickr wording I assume ) ? Actually I want to check a specific set for updates and download them if there are any . . . this I want to do as a cronjob then . .

I post this again . . . I assume I posted it wrongly the first time

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if I just what to download some images at random from flicker without explicitly searching a specific keyword, how can I do it??

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Hyrtsi commented Jul 13, 2022

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ive been trying to create a dataset for my final project and your code has been the most helpful out of anything that I've found. I understand it's older code, but might you be willing to share how one might download the results into a specific folder? also, when I try the resize option on more than one, using the fname, it doesn't work :( it says fname has no attribute read. I would greatly appreciate any help.

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lenoqt commented Nov 21, 2022


ive been trying to create a dataset for my final project and your code has been the most helpful out of anything that I've found. I understand it's older code, but might you be willing to share how one might download the results into a specific folder? also, when I try the resize option on more than one, using the fname, it doesn't work :( it says fname has no attribute read. I would greatly appreciate any help.

Both things are doable, for the path you can adapt using os.path then join it with the f-string in the script, for changing dimensions or manipulating any of the image you can use PIL.

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