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Last active April 12, 2023 04:35
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pandas DataFrame apply multiprocessing
import multiprocessing
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
def _apply_df(args):
df, func, kwargs = args
return df.apply(func, **kwargs)
def apply_by_multiprocessing(df, func, **kwargs):
workers = kwargs.pop('workers')
pool = multiprocessing.Pool(processes=workers)
result =, [(d, func, kwargs)
for d in np.array_split(df, workers)])
return pd.concat(list(result))
def square(x):
return x**x
if __name__ == '__main__':
df = pd.DataFrame({'a':range(10), 'b':range(10)})
apply_by_multiprocessing(df, square, axis=1, workers=4)
## run by 4 processors
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I used without problems too.

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creasyw commented Sep 2, 2016

Thanks!! This is a great example.

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tejaslodaya commented Feb 2, 2017

Yes, the order of the rows will be lost, because the Dataframe is appended back, as and when the sub-process completes it. To resolve this bug, we need to associate a key with each group(in the ascending order), and when they're returned, we sort them.

Refer to the modified version below-
CC: @joshlk @smsaladi

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yong27 commented Sep 9, 2017

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geekan commented Sep 20, 2017

It's not working when trying to get data (from another big map) as new column
Seems like it need shared memory

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hkhatod commented Dec 4, 2017

Cant you just use pool.join(). It should take care of the index

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bsless commented Jun 24, 2018

Another note worth adding:
I wanted to pass an argument to the function I wanted to apply. I found the best way to do that with the suggested implementation is using functools.partial, which creates pickleable objects, so the application would look like:

apply_by_multiprocessing(df, functools.parial(my_func, some_arg), axis=1, workers=4)  

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I'm getting this error
PicklingError: Can't pickle <function _apply_df at 0x7f2c2e876158>: attribute lookup _apply_df on main failed

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Thanks for the Code, have a good idea from this. But I need to send two data frames and one pandas.core.groupby.generic.DataFrameGroupBy object to my_function(). How I can achieve this through multiprocessing. if anyone can share thought / expertise, that will be great help.

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Thanks for the Code, have a good idea from this. But I need to send two data frames and one pandas.core.groupby.generic.DataFrameGroupBy object to my_function(). How I can achieve this through multiprocessing. if anyone can share thought / expertise, that will be great help.

Check this The dataframe sent to the function for the multiprocess.

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I wrote a package to use apply methods on Series, DataFrames and GroupByDataFrames on multiple cores. It makes it very easy to do multiprocessing in Pandas.

You can check the documentation at

You can also install the package directly using pip

pip install multiprocesspandas

Then doing multiprocessing is as simple as importing the package as

from multiprocesspandas import applyparallel

and then using applyparallel instead of apply like

def func(x):
    import pandas as pd
    return pd.Series([x['C'].mean()])

df.groupby(["A","B"]).apply_parallel(func, num_processes=30)

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