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Last active December 29, 2018 09:26
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The suggestive setup list for Ethereum smart contract development at Taipei Tech 0x1 Blockchain Bootcamp

Setup List for Smart Contract Development

If you are a student of 0xAcademy, you only need to do the Compulsory part.


  1. Google Chrome Browser
  2. Metamask Plugin on Chrome
  3. Registered wallet/account on Ropsten
  4. Request tokens from Ropsten Faucet


  1. Node.js environment
  2. npm (Node Package Manager)
  3. Truffle Framework
  4. Ganache (Testrpc)


  1. truffle-hdwallet-provider (HDwallet package of Node.js)

Local Development Environment (Optional)

Tailored for mac, other OS might need to tweak the codes a bit. Make sure you have both your Node.js and npm installed, if not, please follow the aforelisted links.


npm install -g truffle


npm install -g ganache-cli

Geth (Brew in required)

brew tap ethereum/ethereum 
brew install ethereum

Parity syncing

parity -v
parity --chain ropsten

Useful links for Taipei Tech 0x1 Blockchain Bootcamp

  1. Chat room at Gitter
  2. Basic smart contract examples by BEN
  3. Course Slide
  4. Course Notes
  5. Parity Client
  6. Remix Online Compiler
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