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Last active May 14, 2020 23:38
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{-# Language TypeSynonymInstances, FlexibleInstances #-}
module Algw where
import Data.Maybe
import qualified Data.Map as M
import qualified Data.Set as S
import Control.Monad.Trans.State
import Text.Parsec hiding (State, token)
import Text.Parsec.Char
-- AST
data Exp
= Var String
| Int Int
| Pair Exp Exp
| App Exp Exp
| Fun String Exp
| Let String Exp Exp
deriving (Eq, Show)
data Type
= TVar String
| TInt
| TPair Type Type
| TFun Type Type
deriving Eq
data Scheme = Forall (S.Set String) Type
deriving (Eq)
instance Show Type where
show (TVar x) = x
show TInt = "Int"
show (TPair t1 t2) = "(" ++ show t1 ++ ", " ++ show t2 ++ ")"
show (TFun tyf@(TFun _ _) ty) = "(" ++ show tyf ++ ")" ++ " -> " ++ show ty
show (TFun ty1 ty2) = show ty1 ++ " → " ++ show ty2
instance Show Scheme where
show (Forall xs m) = "∀(" ++ unwords (S.toList xs) ++ "). " ++ show m
-- Parser
-- e = e e | | | (e)
-- fact = n | x | fn(x) e | let x = e in e
type Parser = Parsec String ()
keywords = ["fn", "let", "in"]
token :: Parser a -> Parser a
token p = p <* spaces
sym :: String -> Parser String
sym s = (token . try) (string s)
kw :: String -> Parser String
kw s = (token . try) (string s)
parens p = sym "(" *> p <* sym ")"
identifier = (token . try) ((many1 letter) >>= check) where
check s = if s `elem` keywords
then fail (s ++ " can't be a variable")
else return s
int = Int . read <$> token (many1 digit)
factor :: Parser Exp
factor =
<|> Var <$> identifier
<|> let_
<|> fn
<|> parens (try pair <|> expr)
fn :: Parser Exp
fn = Fun <$> (kw "fn" *> parens identifier) <*> expr
let_ :: Parser Exp
let_ = Let <$> (kw "let" *> identifier) <*> (sym "=" *> expr) <*> (kw "in" *> expr)
pair :: Parser Exp
pair = Pair <$> expr <*> (sym "," *> expr)
expr :: Parser Exp
expr = foldApp <$> (many1 factor) where
foldApp (e:es) = foldl App e es
main = spaces *> expr <* eof
testParser :: Parser a -> String -> a
testParser p s = case parse p "Test" s of
Left err -> error (show err)
Right x -> x
-- Type checker
type Ti = State Int
type Ctx = M.Map String Scheme
type Subst = M.Map String Type
emptySub :: Subst
emptySub = M.empty
infixr 5 |>
(|>) :: Subst -> Subst ->Subst
s1 |> s2 = M.union s1 ((s1 #) <$> s2)
infix 5 #
class Types t where
ftv :: t -> S.Set String
(#) :: Subst -> t -> t
instance Types Type where
ftv (TVar x) = S.singleton x
ftv (TPair t1 t2) = S.union (ftv t1) (ftv t2)
ftv (TFun t1 t2) = S.union (ftv t1) (ftv t2)
ftv _ = S.empty
s # (TVar x) = fromMaybe (TVar x) $ M.lookup x s
s # (TPair t1 t2) = TPair (s # t1) (s # t2)
s # (TFun t1 t2) = TFun (s # t1) (s # t2)
s # ty = ty
instance Types Scheme where
ftv (Forall xs t) = S.difference (ftv t) xs
s # (Forall xs t) =
let s' = M.withoutKeys s xs
in Forall xs (s' # t)
instance Types Ctx where
ftv ctx = mconcat (ftv <$> M.elems ctx)
s # ctx = (s #) <$> ctx
fresh :: Ti Type
fresh = do
i <- get
put (i + 1)
return $ TVar ("a" ++ show i)
instantiate :: Ctx -> Scheme -> Ti Type
instantiate ctx (Forall xs t) = do
s <- sequenceA (M.fromSet (const fresh) xs)
return (s # t)
generalise :: Ctx -> Type -> Scheme
generalise ctx t =
let fvs = S.difference (ftv t) (ftv ctx)
in Forall fvs t
infer :: Ctx -> Exp -> Ti (Subst, Type)
infer ctx (Int _) = return (emptySub, TInt)
infer ctx (Var x) =
case M.lookup x ctx of
Nothing -> error $ "Unkown variable " ++ x
Just sch -> ((,) emptySub) <$> instantiate ctx sch
infer ctx (Pair e1 e2) = do
(s1, t1) <- infer ctx e1
(s2, t2) <- infer (s1 # ctx) e2
return (s1 |> s2, TPair (s2 # t1) t2)
infer ctx (Fun x e) = do
tv <- fresh
(s, t) <- infer (M.insert x (Forall S.empty tv) ctx) e
return (s, TFun (s # tv) t)
infer ctx (App e1 e2) = do
tres <- fresh
(s1, t1) <- infer ctx e1
(s2, t2) <- infer (s1 # ctx) e2
let s3 = unify (s2 # t1) (TFun t2 tres)
return (s3 |> s2 |> s1, s3 # tres)
infer ctx (Let x e1 e2) = do
(s1, t1) <- infer ctx e1
let ts = generalise (s1 # ctx) t1
(s2, t2) <- infer (M.insert x ts ctx) e2
return (s1 |> s2, t2)
unify :: Type -> Type -> Subst
unify TInt TInt = emptySub
unify (TVar x) ty = varBind x ty
unify ty (TVar x) = varBind x ty
unify (TPair t1 t2) (TPair u1 u2) =
let s1 = unify t1 u1
s2 = unify (s1 # t2) (s1 # u2)
in s1 |> s2
unify (TFun t1 t2) (TFun u1 u2) =
let s1 = unify t1 u1
s2 = unify (s1 # t2) (s1 # u2)
in s1 |> s2
unify t1 t2 = error $ "Can't unify " ++ show t1 ++ " and " ++ show t2
varBind :: String -> Type -> Subst
varBind x ty
| ty == TVar x = emptySub
| x `S.member` (ftv ty) = error "Occurs check failed"
| otherwise = M.singleton x ty
typeof :: Exp -> Type
typeof e =
let (s, ty) = evalState (infer M.empty e) 0
in s # ty
typeCheck :: String -> Type
typeCheck = typeof . testParser main
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