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Last active December 16, 2017 18:16
dRonin Boot Loader flash
@echo off
echo #===#===#===#===#===#===#===#===#===#===#===#===#===#===#===#===#===#===#===#
echo dRonin Boot Loader flash
echo #===#===#===#===#===#===#===#===#===#===#===#===#===#===#===#===#===#===#===#
echo Prior to using this script you need to have the DFU driver installed.
echo 0. First connect your Flight Controller with SBL pads shorted.
echo 1. Then run the ImpulseRC Driver Fixer downloaded from
echo https://ImpulseRC.Blob.Core.Windows.Net/utilities/ImpulseRC_Driver_Fixer.exe
echo ... or the old school way to get the driver installed is:
echo 1. Run Zadig downloaded from
echo 2. Set "Options/List All Devices" to checked.
echo 3. Select "STM32 BOOTLOADER" from the dropdown.
echo 4. Click "[Re]Install Driver" button.
echo #===#===#===#===#===#===#===#===#===#===#===#===#===#===#===#===#===#===#===#
echo Choose the bootloader target you want to flash:
echo 1 - AQ32
echo 2 - Brain
echo 3 - BrainRE1
echo 4 - DiscoveryF4
echo 5 - DTFc
echo 6 - LUX
echo 7 - OmnibusF3
echo 8 - PikoBLX
echo 9 - PlayUAVOSD
echo 10 - Quanton
echo 11 - Revolution
echo 12 - Seppuku
echo 13 - Sparky
echo 14 - Sparky2
echo 15 - SPRF3E
echo or Q - to Quit
echo #===#===#===#===#===#===#===#===#===#===#===#===#===#===#===#===#===#===#===#
set /p choice=Enter your choice :
set "target="
if /I "%choice%"=="1" (set target=aq32)
if /I "%choice%"=="2" (set target=brain)
if /I "%choice%"=="3" (set target=brainre1)
if /I "%choice%"=="4" (set target=discoveryf4)
if /I "%choice%"=="5" (set target=dtfc)
if /I "%choice%"=="6" (set target=lux)
if /I "%choice%"=="7" (set target=omnibusf3)
if /I "%choice%"=="8" (set target=pikoblx)
if /I "%choice%"=="9" (set target=playuavosd)
if /I "%choice%"=="10" (set target=quanton)
if /I "%choice%"=="11" (set target=revolution)
if /I "%choice%"=="12" (set target=seppuku)
if /I "%choice%"=="13" (set target=sparky)
if /I "%choice%"=="14" (set target=sparky2)
if /I "%choice%"=="15" (set target=sprf3e)
if /I "%choice%"=="q" (exit)
if /I "%choice%"=="Q" (exit)
if not defined target goto menu
echo You choose the %target% bootloader, be sure the SBL pads are shorted.
set /p choice=Enter "f" to start Flashing bl_%target%.bin or "q" to Quit :
if /I "%choice%"=="q" (exit)
if /I "%choice%"=="Q" (exit)
if /I not "%choice%"=="f" (goto menu)
echo #===#===#===#===#===#===#===#===#===#===#===#===#===#===#===#===#===#===#===#
dfu-util.exe -d 0483:df11 -c 1 -i 0 -a 0 -s 0x08000000 -D ..\firmware\bl_%target%.bin
echo #===#===#===#===#===#===#===#===#===#===#===#===#===#===#===#===#===#===#===#
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