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Created January 20, 2022 19:22
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Use Github's OAuth/Account to Login Your Server -- Python/Flask Example
# github生成的两把钥匙
client_id = 'e3a53e8921975c37fe3d'
client_secret = '739a252f5022855aadcc832a2facd86b1b836ef6'
from flask import Flask, \
redirect, \
from furl import furl
import requests
import json
from flask import request
app = Flask(__name__)
@app.route('/', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
def index():
url = ''
params = {
'client_id': client_id,
# 如果不填写redirect_uri那么默认跳转到oauth中配置的callback url。
# 'redirect_uri': '',
'scope': 'read:user',
# 随机字符串,防止csrf攻击
'state': 'An unguessable random string.',
'allow_signup': 'true'
url = furl(url).set(params)
return redirect(str(url), 302)
def oauth2_callback(service):
code = request.args.get('code')
# 根据返回的code获取access token
access_token_url = ''
payload = {
'client_id': client_id,
'client_secret': client_secret,
'code': code,
# 'redirect_uri':
'state': 'An unguessable random string.'
r =, json=payload, headers={'Accept': 'application/json'})
access_token = json.loads(r.text).get('access_token')
# 拿到access token之后就可以去读取用户的信息了
access_user_url = ''
r = requests.get(access_user_url, headers={'Authorization': 'token ' + access_token})
return jsonify({
'status': 'success',
'data': json.loads(r.text)
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xros commented Jan 20, 2022

Here I explain How-to

Before you write codes, you need to

Create an app on Github

iShot2022-01-20 21 59 43

Then Register a new OAuth Application

iShot2022-01-20 22 13 12

Then Get your client ID and client Secret

iShot2022-01-20 21 58 53

In 5 steps,

  1. On your server, create a URI to redirect to Github with your Client ID (Github thinks you as a client).
  2. On the GitHub OAuth page, user type credentials and successfully login.
  3. Github server knows the success login, then Github sends a HTTP request with code to your server -- callback
  4. On your server, with the code, your server sends a HTTP request to Github to obtain a temp access_token.
  5. On your server, with the access_token, your server sends a HTTP request to Github to get the github user's info.

Explain with the codes

  1. On your server, create a URI to redirect to Github with your Client ID (Github thinks you as a client).
@app.route('/', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
def index():
    url = ''
    params = {
        'client_id': client_id,
        # 如果不填写redirect_uri那么默认跳转到oauth中配置的callback url。
        # 'redirect_uri': '',
        'scope': 'read:user',
        # 随机字符串,防止csrf攻击
        'state': 'An unguessable random string.',
        'allow_signup': 'true'
    url = furl(url).set(params)
    return redirect(str(url), 302)
  1. On the GitHub OAuth page, user type credentials and successfully login.

iShot2022-01-20 22 49 09

Step 3,4,5 are in the codes

def oauth2_callback(service):
# 3. Github server knows the success login, then Github sends a HTTP request with `code` to your server -- **callback**
    code = request.args.get('code')
    # 根据返回的code获取access token
    access_token_url = ''
    payload = {
        'client_id': client_id,
        'client_secret': client_secret,
        'code': code,
        # 'redirect_uri':
        'state': 'An unguessable random string.'
# 4. On your server, with the `code`, your server sends a HTTP request to Github to obtain a temp `access_token`.
    r =, json=payload, headers={'Accept': 'application/json'})
    access_token = json.loads(r.text).get('access_token')
    # 拿到access token之后就可以去读取用户的信息了
    access_user_url = ''
# 5. On your server, with the `access_token`, your server sends a HTTP request to Github to get the github user's info.
    r = requests.get(access_user_url, headers={'Authorization': 'token ' + access_token})
    return jsonify({
        'status': 'success',
        'data': json.loads(r.text)

Now run the application (all in one)

pip install flask, furl, requests
Run the app
export FLASK_ENV=development && flask run

What does User feel?

User go to
He will be redirected to login, then login success , then your server will have these to finish the session.

iShot2022-01-20 23 07 25

Inspired from here

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