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When Invalid Host Header when ngrok tries to connect to Angular or React dev server use this form for run ngrok. | |
ngrok http 8080 -host-header="localhost:8080" | |
ngrok http --host-header=rewrite 8080 |
Does anyone know how to get this working with a custom URL?
Very good, Tks 👍
This worked for me thanks!
iam getting ERR_NGROK_802 ! by ngrok http 8080 -host-header="localhost:8080"
ngrok http 8080 -host-header="localhost:8080" this works for ng app using MSAL too
it worked like a charm!!
Thanks man, worked for Vue as well.
Kudos! 💪
Works well for Angular 13 SSR 👍
Worked with Vue too ...Thanks 🙏👍
ngrok http --host-header=rewrite 4200
this one worked on my Angular app
ngrok http --host-header=rewrite 4200
this one worked on my Angular app
i get this polyfills.js:5503 WebSocket connection to '**censored**' failed: WebSocketClient @ polyfills.js:5503 polyfills.js:6504 [webpack-dev-server] Event logger @ polyfills.js:6504 polyfills.js:6494 [webpack-dev-server] Trying to reconnect..
it is on a loop
All i do is (on Angular side) ng serve --disable-host-check
Is it a bad approach?
Does anyone know how to get this working with a custom URL?
@liquidvisual, it's probably irrelevant now. But I got ngrok working for a custom URL with the following config:
authtoken: <token>
version: 2
region: us
addr: https://mydomain.com
host_header: mydomain.com
proto: http
hostname: <ngrok-host>
It crashes ngrok on my end
Thanks for this, it fixed my issue.
There was a question about how to do this with a custom URL.
ngrok http --subdomain {{subdomain}} --host-header=rewrite {{port}}
Thank you