This fork isn't really a 140bytes entry, but a challenge!
What if a tweet (140 utf-16 characters) could execute more than 140 characters of JavaScript code?
thanks to subzey's help, a tweet can execute 190 js chars.
z=function(b,c,a,f){c="";f=String.fromCharCode;for(a=0;190>a;a+=2)c+=f(55296+b.charCodeAt(a))+f(56320+b.charCodeAt(a+1));return c}
Decoder / Executer (140 chars): (replace xxxx with your encoded JS string)
subzey, you're a genius! Thanks a lot and congrats!
I actually tried to use escapes and unescapes too, but it didn't work.
Turns out, it was just the .replace(/uD./g,'') that was missing!
I made a demo for your solution: http://jsfiddle.net/99GVk/1/ - with a dedicated encoder (128 chars)