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Created December 29, 2023 23:03
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Ansible Advent of Code 2023, Day 2
# Set the input
- name: Set example input
day2_input: |-
Game 1: 3 blue, 4 red; 1 red, 2 green, 6 blue; 2 green
Game 2: 1 blue, 2 green; 3 green, 4 blue, 1 red; 1 green, 1 blue
Game 3: 8 green, 6 blue, 20 red; 5 blue, 4 red, 13 green; 5 green, 1 red
Game 4: 1 green, 3 red, 6 blue; 3 green, 6 red; 3 green, 15 blue, 14 red
Game 5: 6 red, 1 blue, 3 green; 2 blue, 1 red, 2 green
when: day2_input is not defined
# These are the maximums for each colour of cubes
- name: Set limits
red_only: 12
green_only: 13
blue_only: 14
# Get a list we can loop over
- name: Split input into separate lines
lines: "{{ day2_input | split('\n') }}"
# Store as dict with the game number as key. We can loop over this later, allows us to easily get the game ID
- name: Store as dict with the game number as key
games_dict: "{{ games_dict | default({}) | combine({game_id: game_line}) }}"
loop: "{{ lines }}"
game_id: "{{ item | regex_findall('[0-9]+') | first }}"
game_line: "{{ item | regex_replace('^Game [0-9]+', '') }}"
# Here we split the line into subsets of cubes shown
# Then we use regex to get the number of cubes of each colour
# We then get the maximum of each colour shown
# We set this into a dict we can access later
- name: Loop over dict and set facts
games_dict_seperated: "{{ games_dict_seperated | default({}) |
{'blue': total_blue, 'red': total_red, 'green': total_green}
loop: "{{ games_dict | dict2items }}"
game_id: "{{ item.key }}"
game_subsets: "{{ item.value | regex_replace(': ', '') | split(';') | map('trim') }}"
total_blue: "{{ game_subsets | map('regex_search', '([0-9]+) blue', '\\1') | flatten | map('int') | max }}"
total_red: "{{ game_subsets | map('regex_search', '([0-9]+) red', '\\1') | flatten | map('int') | max }}"
total_green: "{{ game_subsets | map('regex_search', '([0-9]+) green', '\\1') | flatten | map('int') | max }}"
# We now access this dict and loop over it
# We get the maximum of each colour
# We then check if it is less than or equal to the limi
# If all colours are less than or equal to the limit, we the game ID it to a list
- name: Get games where all the colours don't exceed the limit
games_possible: "{{ games_possible | default([]) + [game_id] }}"
loop: "{{ games_dict_seperated | dict2items }}"
game_id: "{{ item.key }}"
game_dict: "{{ item.value }}"
total_blue: "{{ game_dict['blue'] }}"
total_red: "{{ game_dict['red'] }}"
total_green: "{{ game_dict['green'] }}"
- total_blue | int <= blue_only
- total_red | int <= red_only
- total_green | int <= green_only
# By summing the list, we get the answer to part 1
- name: ANSWER TO PART 1 |
msg: "{{ games_possible | map('int') | sum }}"
# We now want to know what it'd take for each game to be possible
# The power is defined as the product of the number of cubes of each colours max required
# Since we already know the max required, we can just multiply them together
# Add the powers to a list, we don't need to store the game ID anymore
- name: Get the power of each game
games_power: "{{ games_power | default([]) + [game_power] }}"
loop: "{{ games_dict_seperated | dict2items }}"
game_id: "{{ item.key }}"
game_dict: "{{ item.value }}"
total_blue: "{{ game_dict['blue'] }}"
total_red: "{{ game_dict['red'] }}"
total_green: "{{ game_dict['green'] }}"
game_power: "{{ total_blue | int * total_red | int * total_green | int }}"
# By summing the list, we get the answer to part 2
- name: ANSWER TO PART 2 |
msg: "{{ games_power | map('int') | sum }}"
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