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Last active April 25, 2024 15:08
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import h5py
import numpy as np
with h5py.File("post_label0002.h5", "r") as hf:
data = hf['post_label'][()]
# (1, 118, 247, 247, 277)
from monai.transforms.utils import map_classes_to_indices, generate_label_classes_crop_centers
indices = map_classes_to_indices(data[0], max_samples_per_class=10000)
h, w, z = 247, 247, 277
coords = generate_label_classes_crop_centers([h, w, 1], num_samples=10, label_spatial_shape=[h, w, z], indices=indices)
z_slice = [c[-1] for c in coords]
# 10 samples coordinates
# coords: ((123, 123, 170), (123, 123, 4), (123, 123, 270), (123, 123, 157), (123, 123, 73), (123, 123, 254), (123, 123, 30), (123, 123, 185), (123, 123, 229), (123, 123, 255))
# z_slice: [170, 4, 270, 157, 73, 254, 30, 185, 229, 255]
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