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Created April 25, 2019 03:42
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  • Save wyanez/aaf4c0d052d085b7725e4e331f43ff1b to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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C Makefile Example
CFLAGS=-Wall -Werror -lssl -lcrypto
default: testcase1 testcase2 testcase3 testcase4 base
base: base.c filesys.c
gcc -o base base.c filesys.c $(CFLAGS)
testcase1: filesys.c testcase1.c base
gcc -o testcase1 testcase1.c filesys.c $(CFLAGS)
testcase2: filesys.c testcase2.c base
gcc -o testcase2 testcase2.c filesys.c $(CFLAGS)
rm -rf testcase1 testcase2 base *.txt
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