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Created March 29, 2018 14:21
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Iceberg theme for Termite
# Iceberg color scheme.
foreground = #d2d4de
background = #161821
foreground_bold = #d2d4de
cursor = #d2d4de
cursor_foreground = #161821
highlight = #6b7089
# black
color0 = #161821
color8 = #6b7089
# red
color1 = #e27878
color9 = #e98989
# green
color2 = #b4be82
color10 = #c0ca8e
# yellow
color3 = #e2a478
color11 = #e9b189
# blue
color4 = #84a0c6
color12 = #91acd1
# magenta
color5 = #a093c7
color13 = #ada0d3
# cyan
color6 = #89b8c2
color14 = #95c4ce
# white
color7 = #c6c8d1
color15 = #d2d4de
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