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Last active March 7, 2024 06:14
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byte-buddy appendToBootstrapClassLoaderSearch, and jdk instrumentation
* All codes from stagemonitor apm, which gives a example about how to use instrumentation::appendToBootstrapClassLoaderSearch
* This will be very useful for instrument some class in rt.jar
private static boolean initInstrumentation() {
try {
* this try-catch block shows two ways about instrumentation.
* ref issue:
try {
instrumentation = ByteBuddyAgent.getInstrumentation();
} catch (IllegalStateException e) {
instrumentation = ByteBuddyAgent.install(
new ByteBuddyAgent.AttachmentProvider.Compound(
new EhCacheAttachmentProvider(),
if (!Dispatcher.getValues().containsKey(IGNORED_CLASSLOADERS_KEY)) {
Dispatcher.put(IGNORED_CLASSLOADERS_KEY, Collections.newSetFromMap(new ConcurrentHashMap<Integer, Boolean>()));
hashCodesOfClassLoadersToIgnore = Dispatcher.get(IGNORED_CLASSLOADERS_KEY);
return true;
} catch (Exception e) {
logger.warn("Failed to perform runtime attachment of the stagemonitor agent. Make sure that you run your " +
"application with a JDK (not a JRE)." +
"To make stagemonitor work with a JRE, you have to add the following command line argument to the " +
"start of the JVM: -javaagent:/path/to/byte-buddy-agent-<version>.jar", e);
return false;
private static void ensureDispatcherIsAppendedToBootstrapClasspath(Instrumentation instrumentation)
throws ClassNotFoundException, IOException {
final ClassLoader bootstrapClassloader = ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader().getParent();
try {
// already injected
} catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
final JarFile jarfile = new JarFile(createTempDispatcherJar());
private static File createTempDispatcherJar() throws IOException {
final InputStream input = AgentAttacher.class.getClassLoader()
if (input == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("If you see this exception inside you IDE, you have to execute gradle " +
"processResources before running the tests.");
final File tempDispatcherJar = File.createTempFile("stagemonitor-dispatcher", ".jar");
IOUtils.copy(input, new FileOutputStream(tempDispatcherJar));
return tempDispatcherJar;
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