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Created April 4, 2018 20:30
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faulty cloning in nim
# ...
Vector*[T] = object
x*, y*: T
Animatable* = object of RootObj
Ball* = object of Animatable
pos*: Vector[float]
method clone*(anim: Animatable): ref Animatable {.base.} =
method badclone*(anim: Animatable): ref Animatable {.base.} =
# this makes a bad (incomplete) copy
method badclone*(ball: Ball): ref Animatable =
# This works
method clone*(ball: Ball): ref Animatable =
var ball2 = new Ball
result = ball2
ball = Ball(pos: Vector[float](x: 111, y: 999))
goodball = ball.clone
badball = ball.badclone
echo repr ball
echo repr goodball
echo repr badball
discard """output:
nim c -r --verbosity\:0 --hint\[Processing\]\:off --excessiveStackTrace\:on /home/nick/i/gitworking/noofac/nim-bounce/scratch.nim
[pos = [x = 111.0,
y = 999.0]]
ref 0x7f13067e8048 --> [pos = [x = 111.0,
y = 999.0]]
ref 0x7f13067e9048 --> [pos = [x = 1.531603502107864e-322,
y = 0.0]]
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