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wsoyka / Android_10
Last active December 14, 2024 18:20
How to edit build.prop on Android

Since various build.prop editor apps didnt work for me on Lineage 17.x, here the way I managed to edit build.prop:

  1. via Termux/Terminal:
mount -o remount,rw /
nano /system/build.prop
  1. edit to your hearts content - I usually bring down media vol steps: ro.config.media_vol_steps=15
wsoyka / chromium_focus_tab_or_open_in_profile.scpt
Last active August 9, 2024 17:56
Applescript - Bring a specific chromium tab to front or open it in a given profile
# Version: 2024-08
# This script will search all open Browser Windows for a specified Tab (by Title).
# At some point, this worked for Google Chrome and Brave Browser.
# Other chromium based browsers should work, but have not been tested.
# If no tab with the given title is found, it will open the specified URL in the
# specified Profile. If multiple tabs with the specified title exist, the first one
wsoyka / zmv
Created March 15, 2019 11:43
Rename all files extensions to lowercase with zsh, ignoring directories.
Rename all files extensions to lowercase with zsh, ignoring directories.
#load zmv
autoload -U zmv
zmv -Qvn '(**/)(*).(*)(.D)' '$1$2.${(L)3}'
Whats happening here:
-Q enable globs (for directory matching later on)
-vn verbose output, no executuion - remove these after checking this command does what you want it to
wsoyka /
Last active March 8, 2019 14:19
Adding SSH Keys to Google Cloud Console via metadata

When adding SSH keys to Google Cloud Console (GCC) instances I ran into the problem that even after adding my public key to it I couldnt connect.

After searching around some and not being able to find a solution, I tried to change with the pubkey comment to my GCC instance username.

This finally solved my connectivity issues.

For the most part, the Documentation provided is very helpful and extensive, but what it fails to mention, is that the comment on the public keyfile seems to be expected to be the GCC instance username.

wsoyka / runBashScript.bat
Last active March 2, 2019 10:57 — forked from damc-dev/runBashScript.bat
Execute Bash Script (Using WSL) from Windows Task Scheduler
cmd /c "wsl /path/to/file/on/linux/subfilesystem"
cmd /c "wsl /mnt/c/path/to/file/on/windows/filesystem"
wsoyka / twitch_plus.user.js
Last active August 9, 2024 18:02
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This script is dead. Long live