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Created October 28, 2011 00:18
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Get current python file path
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Stupid gist by warren runk
import os
if __name__ == "__main__":
full_file_path = os.path.realpath(__file__)
print 'Full path to this current file is', full_file_path
# A VERY "cowboy" method of dumping file name.
# This will leave you with a path withOUT a trailing slash
file_base_dir = '/'.join(full_file_path.split('/')[:-1])
print 'File\'s base directory is', file_base_dir
# A more sane way of doing the above would be:
# Split up the file path from its slashes
path_list = full_file_path.split('/')
# Remove the final file name
# Recombobulate back into a path withOUT a trailing slash
file_base_dir = '/'.join(path_list)
print 'File\'s base directory is', file_base_dir
# Super cowboy edition:
print 'File\'s base directory is', \
# Of course you could cheat and do things the correct way :)
print 'File\'s base directory is', \
# Note since we are using __file__ as the base element here, we can
# skip using os.path.normpath
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