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// ==UserScript==
// @name Aliexpress_Billy_edit
// @namespace
// @version 0.1
// @description try to take over the world!
// @author You
// @match*
// @grant unsafeWindow
// @grant GM_xmlhttpRequest
// @grant GM_setClipboard
// @require
// ==/UserScript==
// Declare an array called data to hold each row of data to store to the clipboard
var data = [];
// Loop through each of the order div wrappers
$(".order-item-wraper").each(async (ind, el)=>{
// Declaring a variable to hold the GST rate of 10% set on all Aliexpress invoices
let GSTrate = 0.1;
// Store information about the order in a orderInfo object
let orderInfo = {
id: $(el).find(".order-info .first-row .info-body ").text().trim(),
status: $(el).find(".order-status .f-left").text().trim(),
orderPriceUS: $(el).find(".amount-num").text().trim(),
orderDate: $(el).find(".order-info .second-row .info-body").text().trim(),
sellerName: $(el).find(".store-info .first-row .info-body").text().trim(),
// Trim the $ and leading white space on orderPrice attribute
orderInfo.orderPriceUS = orderInfo.orderPriceUS.slice(2,orderInfo.orderPriceUS.length);
// Declare a variable sumProduct to calculate the sum product of the items in the order (needed to calculate the delivery charge)
let sumProduct = 0;
// Make an API call to get the US & AUD foreign exchange rates
// First convert the date to iso format to use a query parameter in the api request
// Set the later date for the api request to get the AUD forex
let start_date = new Date(orderInfo.orderDate);
// The API service does not provide forex data for the weekend, therefore if the start date is a Saturday, Sunday or a Monday set it back 3 days
if (start_date.getDay() === 6 || start_date.getDay() === 1 || start_date.getDay() === 2) {
// Convert the date to iso format
let isoDate2 = start_date.toISOString().slice(0,10);
// Set the previous date for the forex api request
let prev = new Date(isoDate2);
let isoDate1 = prev.toISOString().slice(0,10);
// Setup the parameters and end point for the api request
let params = {
date1: "start_at="+isoDate1,
date2: "end_at="+isoDate2,
base: "base=USD",
currency: "symbols=AUD"
// Make the API request
let endPoint = ""+params.date1+"&"+params.date2+"&"+params.base+"&"+params.currency;
let response = await fetch(endPoint);
let json = await response.json();
// console.log(endPoint);
// console.log(json);
// console.log(json.rates[isoDate1].AUD);
// Pluck the AUD exchange rate off of the json response
let audToUSD = json.rates[isoDate1].AUD;
orderInfo["AUDtoUSForex"] = audToUSD;
orderInfo["orderPriceAUD"] = orderInfo.orderPriceUS*audToUSD;
// Loop through the order body div wrapper
// Loop through each of the products in the order
// Clone the orderInfo object into an object called row
let row = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(orderInfo));
// Add in the product title, price and quantity ordered to the row
row["rowType"] = "product";
row["productTitle"] = $(e).find(".product-title").text().trim();
row["productPriceUS"] = parseFloat($(e).find(".product-amount span:first()").text().trim().slice(1).trim());
row["productQuantity"] = $(e).find(".product-amount span:eq(1)").text().trim().slice(1);
// Add in the GST rate and amount of GST per order
row["GSTrate"] = GSTrate;
row["GSTPerProductUS"] = row.GSTrate*row.productPriceUS;
// Calculate and add in the AUD product price and GST
row["productPriceAUD"] = row.productPriceUS*row.AUDtoUSForex;
row["GSTPerProductAUD"] = row.GSTPerProductUS*row.AUDtoUSForex;
// Push row in the dataTable
// Increment sumProduct by the current row's total
sumProduct += row.productPriceUS*row.productQuantity;
// Calculate the delivery charge, combine it with the order information and add it as a row of data
let deliveryRow = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(orderInfo));
deliveryRow["rowType"] = "delivery";
deliveryRow["deliveryChargeUS"] = deliveryRow.orderPriceUS/(1+GSTrate) - sumProduct;
deliveryRow["deliveryChargeGSTUS"] = deliveryRow.deliveryChargeUS * (1+GSTrate);
deliveryRow["deliveryChargeAUD"] = deliveryRow.deliveryChargeUS * deliveryRow.AUDtoUSForex;
deliveryRow["deliveryChargeGSTAUD"] = deliveryRow.deliveryChargeGSTUS * deliveryRow.AUDtoUSForex;
console.log(`total order is ${deliveryRow.orderPriceUS}. Delivery divided by order pricce is ${deliveryRow.orderPriceUS/(1+GSTrate)} Sum product is ${sumProduct}. Delivery charge is ${deliveryRow.deliveryChargeUS}`);
// Calculate the total tax paid, combine it with the order information and add it as a row of data
let taxRow = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(orderInfo));
taxRow["rowType"] = "tax";
taxRow["taxTotalUS"] = taxRow.orderPriceUS - taxRow.orderPriceUS/(1+GSTrate);
taxRow["taxTotalAUD"] = taxRow.taxTotalUS * taxRow.AUDtoUSForex;
// Create a button to click at the top of the order list page which will load the product details to the clip board
$('#mybutton').one('click', function(){
var r=$('<input/>').attr({
type: "button",
id: "field",
value: 'LOAD CSV'
$('<button/>', {
text: "LOAD", //set text 1 to 10
id: 'csvBtn',
click: function () {
var s = "";// "rowType\t id\t productTitle\t productPriceUS\t productQuantity\t AUDtoUSForex\t productPriceAUD\t GSTrate\t GSTPerProductUS\t GSTPerProductAUD\t orderDate\t orderPriceUS\t orderPriceAUD\t sellerName\t url \n";
Promise.all(data).then(() => {
data.forEach(e=> {
if (e.rowType === "product") {
s += e.rowType + "\t";
s += + "\t";
s += e.productTitle + "\t";
s += e.productPriceUS + "\t";
s += e.productQuantity + "\t";
s += e.AUDtoUSForex + "\t";
s += e.productPriceAUD + "\t";
s += e.GSTrate + "\t";
s += e.GSTPerProductUS + "\t";
s += e.GSTPerProductAUD + "\t";
s += e.orderDate + "\t";
s += e.orderPriceUS + "\t";
s += e.orderPriceAUD + "\t";
s += e.sellerName + "\t";
s += "" + + "\t";
s += "\n";
} else if (e.rowType === "delivery") {
s += e.rowType + "\t";
s += + "\t";
s += "Delivery charge on order (USD): " + "\t";
s += e.deliveryChargeUS + "\t";
s += "Delivery charge on order (AUD): " + "\t";
s += e.deliveryChargeAUD + "\t";
s += "GST on delivery charge (@ 10% rate, USD): " + "\t";
s += e.deliveryChargeGSTUS + "\t";
s += "GST on delivery charge (@ 10% rate, AUD): " + "\t";
s += e.deliveryChargeGSTAUD + "\t";
s += "\n";
} else {
s += e.rowType + "\t";
s += + "\t";
s += "Total GST paid on order (@ rate 10%, USD): " + "\t";
s += e.taxTotalUS + "\t";
s += "Total GST paid on order (@ rate 10%, AUD): " + "\t";
s += e.taxTotalAUD + "\t";
s += "\n";
GM_setClipboard (s);
$("#csvBtn").text("Loaded to clipboard");
function test(data){ return data;}
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Where is the function in your script for sorted by date ? :)

Thank you in advance.

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ohuf commented May 1, 2020


I forked your script and simplified it down to the product lines.
I removed the Australian tax and shipping calculations and changed the target currency to Euro.

I also changed the logic for the forex api so it will only be called when the product currency is different from the target currency (e.g. USD->EUR):
You can find it here

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