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westor westor7

Working from home
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westor7 / country_scan.mrc
Created May 2, 2023 15:29
Country Scan On Join for HelpMe
; ---- Settings ----
alias -l channel { return #test_channel } ; Channels to work (add more using comma)
alias -l ban_delay { return 3600 } ; Seconds for ban on /ban
alias -l ban_mask { return 2 } ; Ban mask (/help $mask)
alias -l ip_exception { return } ; Enter here ip exceptions from scan (space separated)
alias -l country_exception { return GR } ; Enter here countries to not perform a ban-kick (space separated)
; ---- Settings ----
westor7 / ip_proxy_scan.mrc
Last active May 28, 2023 17:59
IP Proxy Scan On Join for HelpMe
alias -l channels { return #freeirc,#irccloud,#diaspora } ; Place the channels here (use comma to add more).
alias -l api_key { return A2chYE3RMNd737Sr3uWMh1xON1AlauuBSKiGPVNp1F453Zwqsi } ; Register on to get an free API key.
alias -l ban_time { return 3600 } ; Enter ban time value in seconds only.
alias -l ban_type { return 2 } ; Enter the ban type to ban (/help $mask).
alias -l ban_reason { return [Banned]: Open Proxy founded for your IP address! } ; Enter here the ban reason (extra identifiers: $1 for nickname, $2 for #channel, $3 for IP).
ON !*:JOIN:$($channels): {
if ($me !isop $chan) { return }
var %host = $ial($nick).host
westor7 / json_install.mrc
Last active April 18, 2023 14:15
JSON Installation
; Usage: Right click in "Status" window or click in "Menubar" then click on "JSON Installation" and follow the instructions.
menu status,menubar {
$str($chr(9679),3) JSON Installation (by westor) $str($chr(9679),3): { json_install_check_internet_init }
alias -l json_install_check_internet_init { noop $urlget(,gbik,&data,json_install_check_internet_init_cb) }
alias -l json_install_check_internet_init_cb {
if ($urlget($1).state !== ok) { .timer -ho 1 0 noop $input(You are NOT connected to internet! $crlf $crlf $+ $+ Installation failed.,houdbk60,JSON Installation - Error) | return }
westor7 / cmd_snotice.c
Last active May 12, 2022 15:28
/SNOTICE UnrealIRCD 6 module
#include "unrealircd.h"
ModuleHeader MOD_HEADER
= {
westor7 / adi_channel_prefix_color.mrc
Created January 7, 2022 22:47
(AdiIRC) Colorize Nickname Prefix On Channel Messages for valek
ON *:INPUT:#: {
if (!$inpaste) && (!$ctrlenter) && ($comchar !== $left($1,1)) {
.msg $chan $1-
echo -t $chan < $+ $col_prefix($nick($chan,$me).cmode) $+ $me $+ >: $1-
westor7 / repeat_warner.mrc
Created December 26, 2021 18:11
Repeat Text Warning (3 times) for metin
ON *:TEXT:*:#: {
tokenize 32 $strip($1-)
var %hash = REPEATS_ $+ $chan
var %times = $hget(%hash,$nick $+ _TIMES)
var %last_msg = $hget(%hash,$nick $+ _LAST_MSG)
var %md5 = $md5($1-,0)
if (!%last_msg) { hadd -m %hash $nick $+ _LAST_MSG %md5 | hinc -u3 %hash $nick $+ _TIMES 1 | return }
if (%last_msg !== %md5) { hadd -m %hash $nick $+ _LAST_MSG %md5 | hadd -u3 %hash $nick $+ _TIMES 1 | return }
westor7 / jclones.mrc
Last active November 28, 2021 20:50
Identical Clones Kick/Ban for Cappuccino (Release_)
ON ^!*:JOIN:#: {
if (!$nick($chan,$me,@&~%)) && (o !isin $usermode) { return }
set -l %hash_1 JCLONES_ $+ $chan
set -l %hash_2 JCLONESNICKS_ $+ $chan
set -l %nick_5chars $left($nick,5)
hinc -mu3 %hash_1 %nick_5chars 1
westor7 / invite_alert.js
Last active October 13, 2021 15:38
KiwiIRC on invite alert for Stanley
kiwi.plugin('invite_alert', function(kiwi, log) {
kiwi.on('irc.invite', (event, network) => {
if (document.visibilityState === "visible") {
var network = kiwi.state.getActiveNetwork();
var nick = event.nick
var chan =
//var mychans = kiwi.state.getActiveNetwork().buffers.filter((b) => b.isChannel()).map((b) =>;
var ask = confirm('Hey! ' + nick + ' invites you to join on ' + chan + ' channel\n\nDo you wanna join??');
westor7 / nickserv_identify.js
Last active June 12, 2021 21:17
KiwiIRC enter identify password if ask for on connect for REDHISPANA
kiwi.plugin('nickserv_identify', function(kiwi, log) {
kiwi.on('irc.notice', function(event, network) {
if (event.nick.toLowerCase() !== 'nickserv') { return; }
var IsLogged = network.ircClient.user.modes.has('r');
if (IsLogged) { return; }
var text = "nick pertenece a otra persona.";
westor7 / tagmsg_statusbar.mrc
Last active May 19, 2022 15:26
Typing Indicators on AdiIRC Statusbar for Koragg
; --- Settings ---
alias -l tagmsg_receive { return 1 } ; 1 = Will receive any +typing spec messages, use 0 to disable it.
alias -l tagmsg_share { return 1 } ; 1 = Will send +typing spec when you write something on editbox, 0 to disable it.
alias -l tagmsg_share_delay { return 3 } ; 3 = The seconds that client will send the typing share, default says it is 3, do not get lower than that it will be spammy.
alias -l tagmsg_position { return 5 } ; 5 = the position number , use 1 to be in 1st place top left on the statusbar or whatever number you want.
alias -l tagmsg_auto_done_secs { return 6 } ; 6 = the automatically typing=done seconds, spec says 6 is the correct here.
alias -l tagmsg_icon_file { return $envvar(windir) $+ \System32\comres.dll } ; = Use only DLL that includes icons. (example: shell32.dll), works only on Windows
alias -l tagmsg_icon_index { return 6 } ; = The $tagmsg_icon_file DLL index icon number, works only on Windows.
alias -l tagmsg_icon_size { return 2 } ; 1 = small, 2 = large, 3 = actual,