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Created May 5, 2022 07:31
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// Slashy things are single-line comments, very useful
* Slashy + star are multi-line comments
* This is a basic inheritence example,
* which is a core principle of OOP, or Object Oriented Programming
// Imports let you use things from other libraries (code)
// that you or others have written
// This math library comes with Dart
// Most languages have an STD (lol), or a Standard Library
import 'dart:math';
// This is a list, which is the newer/cooler way of saying an Array
// This syntax uses "generics", which is a very difficult subject, but very powerful
// In this case, the List class is generic, so we need to tell it what type of list it is
// Here we're creating a list of Strings (text)
// The [square bracket] notation is used for lists/arrays, and Strings need to be quoted
List<String> meats = [
List<String> veggies = [
// Ignore this - just adding some more empty space to the output, easier to read
void log(String message) {
// Functions can have a return type, i.e. they respond with data, or void which mean nothing
// Functions can take in arguments too
// In this case, we'll pick a random food from a given foodList
String getRandomFood(List<String> foodList) {
// First create a new instance of Dart's Random class
// It's good practice to declare things final if you know they won't change
final Random random = Random();
// We define the maximum number we can use, which is the size of our
// food list + 1, since arrays start at zero
// (so given 10 items, .length would be 10, but we can only access 0-9)
final max = foodList.length - 1;
// Now grab the next available random integer (whole number)
// up to our maximum
// This will return a number between 0 and max
// This is known as the array's "index"
int randomIndex = random.nextInt(max);
// Now we send back the random food
return foodList[randomIndex];
// All animals have some basic properties
// And can do some basic actions (functions)
class Animal {
// These are some properties of Animal
// They're final bc they can't change
final String name;
final String type;
final int arms;
final int legs;
// This is a constructor. It's the main function that gets called
// when you create a new instance of a class
Animal(, this.type, this.arms, this.legs) {
log('HUZZAHHH, $name THE $type WAS BORN');
void eat(String food) {
// When we write strings, we can use substitution by prefixing any variables with $
log('$name ate some $food using his $arms arms, num num num num num num num');
// can also write print('hello ' + 'world'); but that's more verbose
void sleep(int hours) {
log('$name is sleaping for the next $hours hours');
void shit() {
final Random random = Random();
final shitSize = random.nextInt(5) + 1;
log('$name took a shit that was a whopping $shitSize kg! His $legs legs almost fell off');
void fuck() {
log('$name just got jiggy, allll right giggity');
// Random chance he knocked her up
final Random random = Random();
final oneOrZero = random.nextInt(1);
if (oneOrZero > 0) {
log('Oh noo, $name just got his hoe preggers');
// Now let's create a more specific being by inheriting from Animal
// Dog inherits all of Animal's properties & functions
class Dog extends Animal {
// Dog constructor also needs a name,
// but we already know how many arms/legs it has
// By calling super() we call the parent (Animal) class's constructor
Dog(String name) : super(name, 'dog', 0, 4);
// Here we'll override the eat function & change the message
void eat(String food) {
log('$name ate some $food, num num woof slobber');
void bark() {
void barkInChinese() {
log('WAN WAN WAN');
// We can keep inheriting indefinitely
class GermanShephard extends Dog {
GermanShephard(String name) : super(name);
void attack() {
log('Grrrrr arrrrr crunch $name attacked someone');
// Most apps have some kind of main/primary entrypoint
// This function never returns anything (void), but the computer knows to run it first
void main() {
// Let's create a dag
final shep = GermanShephard('Adolf Barkendeutsch');;
// Let's make shep eat 2 foods
final meat = getRandomFood(meats);
final vegg = getRandomFood(veggies);
// ...and combine them into 1 string
final shepFood = '$meat and $vegg';
// ...and feed him;
// Let's create a more generic animal
final spider = Animal('Charlotte', 'spider', 8, 8);'butterfly');
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