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Last active December 22, 2015 00:48
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  • Save wendao/6391824 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save wendao/6391824 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
~/rosetta/bin/pdb_to_map.default.linuxgccrelease -in:file:s 4d0m_tetramer.pdb.clean.pdb -edensity:mapreso 10.0 -edensity:grid_spacing 2.0 -in:file:centroid_input -mapfile
hhblits -o /dev/null -i 1v0eA_frag.fasta -oa3m 1v0eA_frag.a3m -d /lab/databases/hhsuite/uniprot/un iprot20_2013_03/uniprot20_2013_03 -cpu 20
hhblits -o /dev/null -i to_threadon_1v0eA_frag.fasta -oa3m to_threadon_1v0eA_frag.a3m -d /lab/data bases/hhsuite/uniprot/uniprot20_2013_03/uniprot20_2013_03 -cpu 20
hhalign -i to_threadon_1v0eA_frag.a3m -t 1v0eA_frag.a3m -glob -o to_threadon_1v0eA_frag.hha
~krypton/scripts/ -hhs to_threadon_1v0eA_frag.hha -fas 1v0eA_frag.fasta -name 1v0eA_1
~wangyr/cm_scripts/bin/ to_threadon_1v0eA_frag.hha -format_in hhsearch -format_out grishin > to_threadon_1v0eA_frag.alt
-run:protocol broker
-broker:setup [topology file]
-file:frag3 [3mer fragments file]
-file:frag9 [9mer fragments file]
-in:file:fasta [fasta sequence file] -symmetry:symmetry_definition [symmetry definition file] -relax:fast
-relax:jump_move -symmetry:initialize_rigid_body_dofs -fold_and_dock::rotate_anchor_to_x -rg_reweight 0.001 -abinitio:increase_cycles 0.2 -rigid_body_cycles 1 -abinitio:recover_low_in_stages 0
-rigid_body_frequency 0.2
-rigid_body_disable_mc -run:reinitialize_mover_for_each_job
-score:weights score12_full
-nstruct [number of docking calculations for each input monomer] -out:file:silent [output structure file in silent format]
[topology file]
CLAIMER FoldandDockClaimer
#a minimal setup
-run:protocol broker
-broker:setup setup_init.tpb
-database minirosetta_database
-nstruct 200
-out:file:silent_struct_type binary
-in:file:fasta t000_.fasta
-file:frag3 t000_.200.3mers
-file:frag9 t000_.200.9mers
-rg_reweight 0.001
-symmetry:symmetry_definition D2.symm
Here is a very bare-bones cheat sheet:
To load a PDB, enter into any puzzle in the game, then press
CTRL+ALT+SHIFT+A to load a protein, CTRL+ALT+SHIFT+S to save.
To use DSSP to assign secondary structure: CTRL+ALT+SHIFT+D
How do we see CPK view, CPK + Hydrogen view, active site view?
=> Use following hotkeys
1) CPK view -> press CTRL + SHIFT + C
2) CPK + Hydrogen view -> press CTRL + SHIFT + V
3) Active site view -> press CTRL + SHIFT + X
//write gdtmm to output
#include <core/sequence/util.hh>
core::sequence::SequenceAlignmentOP native_aln;
if (native_ && native_->total_residue()) {
gdtmm = get_gdtmm(*native_, pose, native_aln);
core::pose::setPoseExtraScore( pose, "GDTMM_after_stage1", gdtmm);
TR << "GDTMM_after_stage1" << F(8,3,gdtmm) << std::endl;
core::Real get_gdtmm( core::pose::Pose & native, core::pose::Pose & pose, core::sequence::SequenceAlignmentOP & aln ) {
runtime_assert( native.total_residue() > 0 && pose.total_residue() > 0 );
if ( !aln ) {
core::sequence::SequenceOP model_seq( new core::sequence::Sequence( pose.sequence(), "model", 1 ) );
core::sequence::SequenceOP native_seq( new core::sequence::Sequence( native.sequence(), "native", 1 ) );
aln = core::sequence::SequenceAlignmentOP( new core::sequence::SequenceAlignment );
*aln = align_naive(model_seq,native_seq);
int n_atoms;
ObjexxFCL::FArray2D< core::Real > p1a, p2a;
protocols::comparative_modeling::gather_coords( pose, native, *aln, n_atoms, p1a, p2a );
core::Real m_1_1, m_2_2, m_3_3, m_4_3, m_7_4;
return core::scoring::xyz_gdtmm( p1a, p2a, m_1_1, m_2_2, m_3_3, m_4_3, m_7_4 );
>fasta: #add "/"
-constraints:cst_fa_file <filename> Add constraints from the fullatom constraint file(*)
-constraints:cst_fa_weight <weight> Weight to be used for the constraints in the cst_fa_file.
-constraints:cst_file <filename> Add constraints from the constraint file(*)
-constraints:cst_weight <weight> Weight to be used for the constraints in the cst_file.
-relax:constrain_relax_to_start_coords Add coordinate constraints to backbone heavy atoms, based on the input structure.
-relax:constrain_relax_to_native_coords Add coordinate constraints to backbone heavy atoms, based on the structure passed to -in:file:native.
-relax:coord_constrain_sidechains Also add coordinate constraints to sidechain heavy atoms (requires one of previous two options)
-relax:coord_cst_stdev <stdev> Set the strength of coordinate constraints (smaller=tighter)
-show_simulation_in_pymol X, where X is how many seconds pass between PyMOL updates. 5 is default; low values may overload your computer.
run /path/to/rosetta/src/python/bindings/ (in pymol)
# reduce memory footprint
-chemical:exclude_patches LowerDNA UpperDNA Cterm_amidation SpecialRotamer VirtualBB ShoveBB VirtualDNAPhosphate VirtualNTerm CTermConnect sc_orbitals pro_hydroxylated_case1 pro_hydroxylated_case2 ser_phosphorylated thr_phosphorylated tyr_phosphorylated tyr_sulfated lys_dimethylated lys_monomethylated lys_trimethylated lys_acetylated glu_carboxylated cys_acetylated tyr_diiodinated N_acetylated C_methylamidated MethylatedProteinCterm
relax.linuxgccrelease -s file.pdb -relax:cartesian -default_max_cycles 200 -default_repeats 1 -score:weights talaris2013_cart
relax.linuxgccrelease -database rosetta/rosetta_database [-extra_res_fa your_ligand.params] -relax:constrain_relax_to_start_coords -relax:coord_constrain_sidechains -relax:ramp_constraints false -s your_structure.pdb
The flags file can contain whatever packing and scorefunction flags you wish to use. We recommend at least:
-no_optH false
#compile debug
./ #exe
./ cat=test #unit test
python test/ -d ~/rosetta/Rosetta/main/database/ --mute all -j20 #run unit test
cd build/test/debug/linux/2.6/64/x86/gcc/4.4/default/
./core.test CenRotModelEnergyTests -database ~/rosetta/Rosetta-cenrot/database/
#compile release
./ mode=release -j20
cd ../test/integeration
./ -d ~/rosetta/Rosetta/main/database/ -j20 #--extras=boost_thread
cd build_clang
#compile mpi version on hyak
1. In Rosetta:
source/tools/build/user.settings - you want to uncomment "import os" and uncomment ""program_path" : os.environ["PATH"].split(":")
2: In your bashrc load:
module load gcc_4.4.7-ompi_1.6.5
3: Log onto an interactive node:
step1: log onto hyak;
step2: qsub -q int -I -l walltime=5:00:00
4: compile:
scons -j 8 mode=release extras=mpi rosetta_scripts #--nover
5: Setup your job to use mpi
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